My skinny jeans contain spandex, does that count?

Sep 11, 2008 18:44

xx I made a promise… xx

Name: Ozbourne

Age: I'm in that coveted 18-34 age bracket. :D

Gender: Female, though a fairly androgynous one.

Occupation (And do you like it? What would you like to do?): Waiting tables part time. Do not want, since I hate hate hate having to rely on tips rather than a regular salary (and it involves too much dealing with general public/stupid people). Currently want a job as a bookkeeper, ideally would like to be a fashion designer, voice actress, or work with the Mythbusters.

Astrological sign (And do you think it applies?): Sagittarius. Some of it fits (like the stubbornness) and a lot does not (aren't we supposed to be outgoing and optimistic? I'm neither of those.)

xx You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry… xx

Likes: Fashion and fashion design, art, crafts, listening to music, reading, mythology and folklore, the occult, rice, fresh fruit, seafood, my weird dreams, long walks, bubble baths, some reality shows (like Survivor, America's Next Top Model, Project Runway, American Idol, America's Got Talent), video and computer games (especially puzzle games, strategy games, Pokemon, and fighting/combat games), shiny things, diet soda, going barefoot, sad songs, felines, and reptiles.

Dislikes: Early mornings, gushy romantic crap, backstabbers, onions, mayonnaise, wristwatches, short-shorts, high-waisted pants/skirts/shorts, people who are overly judgemental based on race/age/gender/size/sexual orientation etc., people who are way too perky and happy all the time, clingy people, socks (unless I am wearing boots), ignorance, being flipped upside down (because it makes me puke), when my pants are too short, and the colour beige (which makes me look like a corpse).

Hobbies: I think they're pretty much covered under "Likes".

Talents: Sewing, knitting, crochet, drawing, not a bad cook, a decent singer, pretty good at roleplaying games, good at puzzles and logic problems, and weird things like crying on cue and writing backwards in cursive. Also I am nearly ambidextrous and can write with both hands at once.

Strengths: I'm independent, determined, ambitious, unique, creative, witty, spontaneous, have a decent (albeit sarcastic) sense of humour, honest, loyal to those who deserve it, reasonably intelligent, and good at finding beauty in things.

Weaknesses: I'm distrustful, tempermental, brooding, kind of bitter and jaded, don't really believe in romantic love, am not nurturing in the least, vengeful, unforgiving, hold grudges like mad, not physically strong, my immune system hates me, chaotic, have a bit of a sadistic streak, and am bored easily.

What makes you the most…

Happy?: Probably my dreams. They're so vivid and strange and just amazing that I look forward to going to sleep at night because of them.

Sad?: Child abuse and animal abuse. The horrible things that so-called "human beings" can do to people or things that are smaller and more helpless than they are.

Angry?: Betrayal of my trust, someone hurting me or someone I care about.

Silly/stupid?: I hate the word "silly" so much, but meh. Probably drinking, because I tend to censor myself less when I'm drinking.

Uncomfortable?: Invasions of my privacy, questions that I think are too "personal", people being too clingy or dependent on me.

xx With great power… xx

What’s your favorite/ideal superpower? Why?: Oooh... I've always wanted to be able to control the weather. I just think it'd be cool, and it'd be very useful to be able to make it rain wherever there's a drought or fires, and make it stop raining where there's flooding... maybe divert hurricanes away from destroying cities or something too. I always wanted to control the weather when I was a kid.

Who’s your favorite hero? Why?: I've always liked Batman, because he's a hero even without actual superpowers, just nifty gadgets, and he's all brooding with a tragic past which makes for a very interesting character. I also like Rogue from X-Men; again, her story is just interesting to me. Also for reasons you could probably garner from the question above, Storm from X-Men.

It’s okay, lots of us have fictional crushes. Do you have one? Who is it, and why are you so sweet on them?: I'm hardly a lustful person at all, and I don't have many crushes on real people, let alone fictional ones. Those that I do have tend to be based on looks and tend to consist of "any hot guy with pale hair".

Is there anyone you really admire? Who and why?: I tend to draw my inspirations from within rather than from role models.

Would you use your powers strictly for business… or would you find more- let’s just say creative- uses for them?: I'd probably find some sort of, er, creative uses for them too. Nothing illegal or immoral, just fun stuff... like if I had heat vision I'd heat up my lunch with it, or if I could control the weather it might be fun to have it rain on someone's house if I'm mad at them.

What would your costume look like?: It'd probably have a lot of green and black in it, and not entirely spandex... maybe like black skinny-fit trousers, black boots, and some kind of cool green-and-black top (or tops layered). Probably wouldn't have a cape or cloak since for one that's more the kind of thing I'd wear when not in costume and for another they can be a bit fussy when fighting crime. I'd probably have gloves, and maybe a mask as long as it didn't obscure my vision too much.

What would your arch nemesis be like?: Probably someone who has wronged me in the past. I'm usually pretty easygoing unless you've done something to hurt/betray/anger me, then you are on my bad side for a long long time.

Would be a part of a team? Do you have a certain one in mind?: Only if I have to. I tend to prefer to operate alone unless whatever group/team I am on consists of people I know well and can actually trust.

xx Then you know, justice has two sides… xx

Superman or Batman?: Always been a Batman fan, though I like the whole mythos behind Superman.

Captain America or Iron Man?: hmmm... Iron Man.

Brawn or beauty?: Going with beauty only because I'm not physically strong, but I prefer brains to either.

Leader or follower?: Leader if I have to choose, but I prefer to work alone.

Shy or outgoing?: I'm not really "shy", but definitely not outgoing. It's nothing to do with timidness; it's more a matter of not liking or trusting a lot of people and preferring my privacy.

Black or white?: It's all about the shades of grey. 'Though if we're talking clothing, I tend to wear more black.

Meat or vegetables?: Vegetables. Or fruit.

Secrets or lies?: Secrets. I try to be honest so what I say is the truth, but I definitely don't tell people -everything-. I'm a very private person.

Courage or wisdom?: I value both, though I value wisdom a bit more.

Forgiveness or revenge?: Revenge, definitely. I am not a forgiving person and it takes a lot for me to forgive someone or give them a second chance. I hold grudges horribly.

Cruel or kind?: I tend to come off as a bit cruel, since I've got a temper, I'm vengeful (see above), I can be a bit sadistic (if nothing more than in my imagination), and tend to be blunt and/or sarcastic, but deep down I hope I'm not a bad person, and I'm kind to those who deserve it; I'm not needlessly cruel, but I can be cruel if I have good reason.

Optimistic or pessimistic?: Pessimistic, definitely.

Serious or silly?: Well, as I said I utterly -despise- the word "silly". I'm not so serious that I'm stuffy and boring, but my sense of humour tends to be more witty and dry than "silly".

xx With you, it’s just a gamble… xx

If someone begged you to kill them, would you do it?:

It'd depend on why they wanted me to kill them, and who it was. Is it like an assisted suicide kind of thing where I'd be putting them out of their misery so they wouldn't have to die a horribly slow painful death? I could actually see myself doing something like that, if they actually were serious about dying. er.

You meet an alternate universe version of yourself. How do you react?:

Hope this other me doesn't go around causing problems for the real me, otherwise me or not, she is going down. But if we get along... well, I've always wanted a twin. Provided the other me isn't a mooch and actually pays her share of rent and bills and such. I wonder how I'd get along with myself, anyway. Hm.

Apocalypse time. What do you do first?:

Probably have an "OH SHIT!" moment, then hope I've got time to figure out how to stop whatever badness is about to happen.

Lex Luthor is having lunch just a couple yards away from you. What do you do (if anything)?:

Has he done anything to piss me off? If he hasn't, probably just leave him alone to his lunch. If I've got some sort of reason to hurt him, then I wouldn't let the opportunity go to waste.

Your best friend has been badly disfigured and rendered mentally unstable (á la Harvey Dent). He/she is about to kill someone! What do you do??:

Part of me wants to say "depends on who he/she is about to kill", but I feel like I'm delving more into villain territory than hero territory here. er. Does this best friend of mine still get along with me, or are they too far gone to try and negotiate with? 'Cause if they've turned on me too, it'd be time to play the "let's use my superpowers and bring them down" game. If they still consider me a friend, it's "let's hope my superpowers include some way of getting them away from whoever they're about to kill without hurting them too much" time. Either way try and disable them somehow.

If you could only save one of these people, who would you save? Please explain your answer:

[x ] The ten-year-old pancreatic cancer patient (note: this type of cancer only has a 95% survival rate five years after diagnosis)

[ ] The kind old man

[ ] The alcoholic pregnant woman

[ ] The single father who gambled away his son’s college/trust/savings fund

[ ] The eighteen-year-old prisoner (note: he would be released)

The others either would definitely die soon anyway (old man) or are more... flawed? The cancer patient kid at least has a chance for a decent life, I think.

Which sin are you most guilty of?:

[x ] Pride

[x ] Envy

[ ] Lust

[ ] Gluttony

[xx] Wrath

[ ] Sloth

[x ] Greed

It's easier to say which I'm -least- guilty of, which'd be Gluttony and Lust. And despite my love of my weird dreams, I wouldn't say I'm all that slothful. I've got a bad temper though, and tend to be jealous and greedy a good bit, and have been accused of being prideful.

Anything else?: erm... nope. Really interesting questions though, I might add.


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