Open Thread: Oracle Hotline

May 01, 2009 22:02

Ugh...Internet connection in Tokyo was flaky and so was I, and as a result this is very late.  :)  How's the week in review for you?

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Comments 22

northern_star May 1 2009, 13:07:52 UTC
aww! You're allowed to be flaky (however, the internet connection isn't...) -- hope you're having fun in Tokyo!

I've...been writing my fingers to the bone, with the two birthday fics I wrote pretty much at the last second. In fact, I think I've written and posted more fics in the last two weeks than I have in months -- I'm up to 10, I think. Something insane like that.

Need sleep now. Yes. Zzzzz.


mithen May 1 2009, 13:29:12 UTC
I am so glad to hear you're getting inspired! Writing your fingers to the bone doesn't sound like much fun, but I hope I am allowed to be somewhat gleeful about it. :)


northern_star May 1 2009, 15:17:07 UTC
but I hope I am allowed to be somewhat gleeful about it. :)

Oh, absolutely! Heaven knows I am. :)


snake_easing May 1 2009, 19:46:15 UTC
Ooh, is that Robin: Year One in your icon?


(The comment has been removed)

mithen May 1 2009, 14:35:21 UTC
Hey, writing is writing! :) Less fun times for your DC-based fans, but it's good to see you posting and icon-making. It brightens the flist in general...


skund May 1 2009, 13:40:06 UTC
My muses are on strike this week. I got nothin' at all.

*twiddles thumbs*


mithen May 1 2009, 14:37:20 UTC
Nothing? Damn! What are the muses demanding--better working conditions?  More pay? Health benefits?

(Also, that icon is totally cracking me up for some reason. Eel is the greatest...)


dragonbat2006 May 1 2009, 16:22:53 UTC
Been writing to avert stress. I work for MasterCard. People call up demanding we write off part of their balance/raise limits/lower interest rates, etc... and they yell at me, I come home feeling like I need to vent... and I write fic. (Not that my customers are IN my fic, but writing's a good way to alleviate some pressure.) Sent a new chapter to my betas. Waiting on the results.


mithen May 2 2009, 08:03:59 UTC
Oh man, I hear you about writing to blow off stress. That's why having my mother-in-law around is so writing gets done for the same reasons I'm stressed! :) But I do put a lot of stress into my stories in some ways--never directly, but it tends to drive stories along...


confusedkayt May 3 2009, 22:01:26 UTC
Oh, man, that's totally how I use fic myself... Writing a little superhero head-bashing is quite an outlet. I imagine people are growing more hysterical in this climate... I used to work in consumer law, and man, if people will short with me... You'd better get a purple heart.


bradygirl_12 May 1 2009, 17:26:25 UTC
It's been a bit of an odd week for me. I cut back my hours on LJ to do some other things, and read the latest Trinity and Superman/Batman books. Wow, after a two-month hiatus, S/B comes out every two weeks now! :) I liked the third and final part of the Nanopolis arc.

I've written some stories, thought of a few more things to add into my essay, and typed up some chapters to create a backlog of things to post. With a new month, I want to put out some reminders and look over my fic tally for April.

I'm halfway done my dcu_freeforall table! :)

Mostly I felt like reading other people's fic this week! ;)


mithen May 2 2009, 08:10:32 UTC
I'm so far behind on both Trinity and S/B! I haven't been really keen on the Nanopolis arc in theory (I haven't read a bit of it), but if you liked it I'm looking forward to it!

You're halfway done the table? That's awesome! That will be a great feeling when you finish it up!


bradygirl_12 May 2 2009, 19:29:33 UTC
I like the art for the look of the Nanoverse, but not for the heroes. I think they're drawn almost ugly, but the world of Nanoverse is so strangely beautiful that I don't mind too much. :)

Also, there are some good S/B moments and the ending is quite satisfying! :) Nothing earth-shaking, but perhaps that's needed after the switcheroo arc that came before. :)

I can't believe I'm halfway done that table already! LOL!


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