Open Thread: Oracle Hotline

Oct 12, 2007 09:57

A little bit more from Ray Bradbury, Zen in the Art of Writing:

As soon as things get difficult, I walk away.  That's the great secret of creativity.  You treat ideas like cats:  you make them follow you.  If you try to approach a cat and pick it up, hell, it won't let you do it.  You've got to say, "Well, to hell with you."  And the cat says, "Wait a minute.  He's not behaving the way most humans do."  Then the cat follows you out of curiosity:  "Well, what's wrong with you that you don't love me?"

Well, that's what an idea is.  See?  You just say, "Well, hell, I don't need depression.  I don't need worry.  I don't need to push."  The ideas will follow me.  When they're off-guard, and ready to be born, I'll turn around and grab them.

What ideas are you playing hard to get with right now?

open thread, oracle hotline

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