Upcoming Workshop: Writing Threesomes by Merfilly and Ilyena_Sylph

May 20, 2007 23:15

Threesomes...are daunting.  Alarming.  Intriguing.  The technical details alone are enough to startle a writer away.  Startle no more!

Our next workshop is a wonderful walkthrough on writing threesomes by
ilyena_sylph and
merfilly, and it's a fun read even if you never intend to throw another person into bed with your favorite OTP.

Filly and Yena write a variety of interesting trios--here are links to (appropriately) three stories with threesomes.  All are NC-17, of course!

"And a Loud Noise" (Tim/Kon/Mia)
"When the Kids are Away" (Dinah/Bruce/Ollie)
"Lessons" (Slade/Dick/Roy)

See you on Monday!

workshop, ilyena_sylph, threesomes, merfilly

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