[It's not much of a chore to get by Angel when he's all fluffy feeling about getting his girl back. He thinks this is a loss but Vampire Buffy is sure this is permanent and she's just getting started. All it took was a little sweet talking and a lot of Slayer Vampire strength to get out of the chains that Angel put her in. He wasn't counting on how much extra strength she had because in the end after having to, ugh, have pigs blood, she was mostly healed from all her fights thanks to Angel's need to keep her fed; she'll have to thank him later. It was easy to shove him into the sink and yank free of the chains. He made it far too easy. Hopefully his head wound will heal so she can play with him later but she had other fish to fry. Plans to get at Faith and Spike maybe play with some old friends.]
Chains should be much more fun. [She says it to herself as she makes her way through the Castle to find someone else to feed on. She wants a kill, dammit.]
ooc: So Buffy got loose, now she's going to have a snack on Shinobu then get caught by Clark. The only two people on my list who haven't started the blood donor process is Ryoki. So if Ryoki mun is still up for that we can backtag on the last thread OR this one before Clark grabs her. I'll put up a sub-comment on this one and if you can't do it, I'll delete it.