Nov 29, 2004 17:04
I seen this on Alex's livejournal. Decided I'll do it... Boredom rocks.
1) Name: JoHannah
2) Age: 15
3) Sex: Female
4) Birthday: May 16th
5) Ethnicity: White
6) Hair Color: Dark Brown (died blonde)
7) Eye Color: Greenish-brown
8) Height: 5.6
9) Weight: 102
10) Righty or Lefty: Righty
II: A Little More Detail
11) Place of Birth: Eligin, Ill.
12) Time of Birth: 11:58 P.M. and 3 seconds
13) Family: My mom, My demon sister, and a brother who just wants to murder me...
14) # of children: ... Childern are demonds
15) Current Grade-level: 10th
16) Build: Skinny, Petite
17) Religious Background: Christian
18) Are your parents divorced? Seperated
19) If so, how old were you? 12
20) Where do you work? I babysit demon children.
21) Do you play any musical instruments? Piano, sing... my nose....
22) Political Affiliation? Republician
23) Socio-economic background? Middle-Class
24) Organ donor? No.
25) Do you have a driver’s license? No....
26) What kind of car do you drive? .... you love tormenting me...
27) Do you own your car? NO!
28) Do you smoke/drink? No and No
III: Your Past
29) How many times have you moved? 3 times.
30) How many states have you lived in? 3
31) US travels: Okay... I dunno
32) World travels: No....
33) Did you graduate high school? Not yet
34) If so, what year? 2007
35) Where did you go to pre-school? I didn't go
36) Where did you go to elementary school? Another state
37) Where did you go to middle school? A ghetto area
38) Where did you go to high school? .....
39) Ever been held back a grade? No
40) Ever skipped a grade? No
41) Were you raised in daycare? No, by my mommy
IV: Have you ever…
42) Been in a fight? No, but cornered
43) Done drugs? No
44) Committed a crime? No
45) Been arrested? No
46) Been in prison? No
47) Broken a bone? Yes
48) Contemplated suicide? ... Maybe
49) Had surgery? Nope
50) Lost a tooth other than a baby tooth? Nope
51) Had to wear a splint? No
52) Almost drowned? No
53) Been hit by a car? Close to it
54) Been in a car accident you didn’t cause? Yes
55) Caused a car accident? No
56) Walked into a glass door? YEP!
57) Fallen down the steps? Always
58) Fallen *up the steps? ... No comment
59) Hit your head on a ceiling fan? No
60) Been on TV? Yep, four times so far
61) Been on the radio? No
62) Been in the newspaper? Yep
63) Won a science fair? No
64) Been fired from a job? No
65) Quit a job without leaving notice? No
66) Been published? No
67) Gotten lost in a big city? No
68) Flown first class? No
69) Ran away from home? Yep
70) Hit an animal with your car on purpose? Nope...thats mean
71) Been on a roller coaster? Scared of them, but yeah
72) Driven for more than 8 straight hours? Nope.
73) Lost control of your car in the snow? nope
V: Do you believe in….
74) Love at first sight? yep
75) Magic? No
76) God? yep
77) Ghosts? yep
78) Aliens? yep
79) Yourself? Yep
80) Others? Yep
81) Holistic healing? What?
82) Angels? Yep
83) Demons? Yep
84) Heaven? Yep
85) Hell? Yep
86) Purgatory? Yep
87) Near-death experiences? Yes
88) Psychic abilities? Yep
89) Abortion? Yep
90) Affirmative action? .... Huh?
VI: Your Love Life
91) First girlfriend/boyfriend: Kindergarten, A.J. Gutwein... a rich kid who failed
92) First kiss: Never had one
93) Have you ever been in love? ... Not sure
94) First love:
95) # of people you’ve dated: 7
96) # of people you’ve kissed: 0
97) # of people you’ve dumped: 7
98) Have you ever been heartbroken? Yep
99) Have you ever been a heartbreaker? YEP! Sorry, Dorks...
100) Have you ever been cheated on? Yep
101) Have you ever cheated on someone? NEVER!
102) Have you ever dated someone you didn’t even like? No
103) Have you ever been rejected? Yes... always
104) Have you ever had a “friend with benefits”? YEP
105) Have you ever dated someone and not told anybody? No
106) Have you ever dated someone your parents disapproved of? Yeah.. sort of
107) Have you ever dated someone whose parents disapproved of you? No
108) Have you ever been engaged? No
109) Have you ever been married? No
110) Have you ever been proposed to? No
111) Have you ever proposed to someone? No
112) Longest relationship: 3 months
113) Shortest relationship: 2 minutes
114) Best relationship: hm... Can't remember any good ones.
115) Worst relationship: Robert.
116) Most romantic moment: ... Not telling.
VII: Have you ever dated someone…
117) For their money? No
118) For their car? No
119) For their body? No
120) Out of pity? No
121) Because you were lonely? No
122) Because of their friends? No
123) Because of their family? No
124) Because of their reputation? No
125) Because they were good in bed? No
126) To spite an ex? No
127) To spite your family? No
128) To get revenge at a friend? Never
129) To break their heart? No
130) Out of fear? No
131) Because you couldn’t say no? No
132) Knowing it was temporary? No
133) Over the internet? Yeah...
VIII: Your Ideal Mate:
134) Hair color: Blonde or Black
135) Eye color: Gray or Blue
136) Skin color: White
137) Body type: ... I don't mind
138) Height: Tall
139) Education: Some one smart, doesn't say anything stupid... I mean really stupid
140) Sense of humor: Funny... must be funny
141)Personality: Anything but a snob
142) 5 most important traits (in order of importance): Personality, If they can make me laugh, Care for me, stand up for me, Is smart.
143) 5 things that wouldn’t matter at all: If they are dorky at times, If they are messy, if they can be a little weird, Star Wars Fan, If they are 35 and living in their mum's basement
IX: Your Sex Life:
144) Are you a virgin? Yes
145) Do you believe oral sex is “sex”? ... what?... not answering.
146) Ever been caught getting frisky? Virgin here, Virgin Ears
147) Have you ever received oral sex?
148) Have you ever performed oral sex?
149) Have you ever done something you personally thought was disgusting?
150) Have you ever had a homosexual experience?
151) Have you ever been given an orgasm?
152) Have you ever taken sexual pictures with a partner?
153) Have you ever videotaped sexual activities with a partner?
154) Have you ever regretted sexual activity immediately afterwards?
155) Have you ever showered with someone of the opposite sex? I hate sex questions.....
156) Have you ever been sexual with someone knowing they were involved with someone else?
157) Have you ever been sexual with someone while you were involved with someone else?
158) Have you ever been forced to do something against your will?
159) Have you ever been worried about being pregnant/getting someone pregnant?
160) Contracted an STD? ....
X: Your favorite…
161) Movie: Legally Blone or Mean Girls
162) Band: Dashboard COnfessional
163) Song: "July"
164) Actress: ... None
165: Actor: Elijah Wood, Hottie
166) TV Show: None
167) Time of day: Night
168) Season: Winter
169) Holiday: Halloween
170) 5 guy friends (in no particular order): Jacob, Jacob, Rob, Nate, and Matt
171) 5 girl friends (in no particular order): Tori, Nessa, Alex, Ashley, and Ellen
172) Toothpaste brand: ... I dunno I like them all
173) Car model: Volkwagon
174) Place to go on vacation: Cali
175) Place to go on your day off: No where
176) Book: Harry Potter
177) Shirt: My blue jeans and pink polo shirt with a independence trucker hat
178) Animal: Monkey
179) Color: Pink
180) Shape: Triangle
181) Age to be: 16
182) Memory: .... I do not like to anwser that over personal reasons.
183) Artist: None
184) Instrument: Drums
185) Sound: PING!
186) Food: ... Ice Cream
187) Culture other than your owm: French.
188) Office supply: Stapler
189) 80’s fashion: Big Hair
190) Pet: Himlayian cat.
XI: Misc. Questions (explain what and why):
191) If you could have one super power, it would be: It would be the ability to take others powers, I never stole anything before why not try with a super power.
192) If you could go back to any time in your life, it would be: ... I dunno
193) If you could know the absolute truth about one thing, it would be: ... I like my best friend... but he doesn't like me.
194) If you were invisible and could follow anyone around for a whole day, it would be: My math teacher... I'm failing that class.
195) If reincarnation is real, you would want to come back as a: MOnkey... you get to eat bananas all day.
196) If you could be an expert in one subject, it would be: Paranormal Research because thats what I want to be when I grow up.
197) If you could change one thing about yourself, it would be: The way people see me.
198) If you won the lottery, you would spend the money on: A new car and house for my mum
199) If your friends watched a video of your life, you would fast forward through: Some personal moments with a crush and also me watching t.v. its boring.
200) If you died today, the most tears at your funeral would come from:...I dunno, My mom I guess.
Bored still...