Jun 10, 2006 13:20
So I visited the infamous Brett Lee forum for the first time. It was interesting to see how fangirly some people can be. The hot topic of course being Brett Lee's personal life and more so, his recent nuptials. For me, of course, the most disappointing thing was seeing the state of the cricket forum, though I should not be surprised with it being a Brett Lee site and all. About one or two of the members there can actually cricket talk.
Going there was an interesting read but perhaps the most interesting of all was the 'CONGRATULATIONS' topic for Mr. & Mrs. Brett Lee. Apparently, one member called Miriam, is accusing the others of showing poor support for Brett Lee after his wedding. I presume she's also accusing them of being jealous which, in fact, seems obvious to me. The part of her post that grabbed my attention was the mention of LJ girls and namecalling. She claimed that a certain prominent member had an LJ and referred to Mrs Lee as a bingette and bimbo last year when she first accompanied Brett Lee to the Allan Border Medal Dinner. By that point I was appalled and started sifted through the forum and my F-List to see if I'd discover who that person is.
To my chagrin, that person was and is still on my F-List! How disappointed I was to see that someone could stoop that low. It's amazing how jealous some people can be of a beautiful woman, that they can call her these degrading names and not know a thing about her. Don't forget someone also referred to her as dumb and the combination of bingette and bimbo came up to 'bimbette'. Honestly, I would feel so stupid knowing that I said those things about her and now she is my idol's wife and she is not 'dumb' but is, in fact, a DOCTOR.
My question is "Who are the actual 'bingettes'? It would definitely have to be someone who would say such terrible things about his girlfriend now wife! Not many know this but initially, any female fan of Brett lee is a bingette, simply because everyone knows that his looks always plays a part in the fandom.
I have also read a lot of misleading things about the girls on that forum. I now know to take other people's claims with a grain of salt. The bogus "bingette letters' to Lee are some others to consider.Possibly a figment of that person's imagination? I think so! Can't express their personal feelings about the cricketer so fabricating those things is always a good option. HAHA!
Show some genuine interest in cricket(all cricket) and then I'll believe all that "I like Brett Lee for his cricket" shit. It's amazing when those people actually go to a match they take a billion pictures of Brett Lee's ass and useless ones with him tying his shoelaces etc. I wonder if they actually know the match state at that point? Whenever I go to the cricket, I don't have time to waste doing that type of shit because I'm so into the match!
They are all the same to me. Go on claiming that they like him for his cricket but have hundreds of icons with him and half-naked too. Hmmmm, what does that say? *rolls eyes* Ahhh and don't forget the ones who write the slash fics. I recently read one where they killed Brett Lee in it(understandable since he recently got married and they are all angry. The disclaimer was so right, it does take a sick mind to create such disturbing things. I would not even entertain that in my imagination. It's just not right.
brett lee forum