Partly because I could tell it was getting neglected, and partly because this comm is experiencing the same issue, I decided to post up a draft of Chapter 1 of my Supernatural/Glee crossover, which is otherwise laying fallow on my hard drive until I'm done school and can have a proper go at it.
Title: tbd
Author: ellequoi
Fandoms: Supernatural, Glee
Rating: K+/PG
Warnings: n/a
Spoilers: none for Glee, SPN S5
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural or Glee and am not profiting off this fanwork.
Cas sends Sam and Dean to Lima, Ohio to see Claire Novak, but all they've managed to do so far is counsel Rachel Berry and win the Suecathlons. Still, that counts as off to a good start... right?