Jan 15, 2007 18:11
As some of you may have noticed with my MSN nickname, that something terrible happened last night.
Now I don't know if he was jumping up or jumping down, but Bruiser successfully managed to break one of my plates in the kitchen. Just shattered all over the floor, and there he goes running away from it, and from what I saw he seemed to be fine. So I clean up all the remains of what used to be a plate, go to take the rubbish out.. and then I notice the blood.
Not large amounts or any pools of blood, but specks all over the lounge, the study carpet all over the floor - and I find Bruiser licking a very bloody back foot. I naturally panic, and try to rinse it under the water so I can see what he cut himself. I thought maybe it was the padding on his feet or thereabouts.. that seemed to be where most of the blood was coming from - until I pulled his toes slightly sideways and find a great big giant hole. It was far worse than how he appeared to be feeling.
So I arranged with someone that annoys me very much and swore would never try to contact again, given I was desperate and I needed to take Bruiser to the animal ER at Stafford. They told me it would be $95 for the consultation, and any other charges on top of that. I didn't care at that point.
So he's finally being checked over by the vet at 9.15pm last night, who then advises he'd need stitches, and go under a general anaesthetic -and that he would also call me when Bruiser would be ready to pick up. So we came back here so Lynxx wouldn't panic too much (the first time he's ever been on his "own") and kept him happy for about 2 hours before they rang to say he was awake.
So, 4 big stitches in his foot.. and he has to wear a cone.. for 10-14 days. They also had to shave his leg too.. It was 12.30am before I finally came home so I decided to stay awake with him to make sure he at least went to the toilet before I went to bed. The thought of him being as groggy as he was is now a terrible thought.. He couldn't even balance and fell sideways when just sitting still. He eventually went to the toilet at around 1.30am.. to pass out. So I fish him out of the litter tray which he thinks is a bed. A few moments later he decides to scratch around and 'go'.. but then he fell asleep and pissed all over himself and got litter particles all through is fur.. so then he had to have a bath. Poor thing..
I feel really sorry for him at the moment. You can see he's very uncomfortable and seems a little depressed? The cone makes it nearly impossible to eat or drink. Certainly not as clumsy.. but "uncomfortable" is written across his face. Lynxx is being a good brother and tries to take the cone off for him heh.. when he realises it's not coming off he just gives him a few licks on the face, heh.
All in all, as tired as I am.. I'm glad he's alright and I didn't leave this unnoticed. All up it cost me $175.. that's consultation, stitches, anaesthetic, antibiotics, cone & a surcharge for that time of night.. better than what some human doctors charge IMHO. It's a shame there's no Medicare for animals...