Monday went really well, except when I took the camera off the tripod. Its so fucking heavy!!!!
So school is just boring as just every other day. Can't wait for it to be over!!!
Bored so I decided to this. Thanks to Bekah who saved me time. :)
01. I have never kissed someone of the same sex on the lips
02. I've seen a therapist
03. I'm the youngest
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2. Ugly? no
3. Kind? yes
4. Quiet? no
5. Loud? no
6. Shy? no
7. Weird? yes
8. Selfish? no
9. Ghetto? no
10. Crazy? yes
11. Hot? i dunno
12. Cute? i dunno
13. Pretty? yes
14. Sexy? oh baby
15. Nice? yes
16. Mean? no
17. Immature? no
18. Rude? no
19. Cool? yes
20. Brat? no
21. Stupid? no
22. Caring? yes
23. Mature? yes
24. A friend? yes
25. More than a friend? no
26. Talkative? yes
27. Boring? no
28. Beautiful? yes
29. Creative? yes
30. Smart? yes
31. A flirt? no
32. Slutty? no
33. Psycho? no
34. Athletic? ?
35. Confusing? yes
36. Sweet? sure
37. Mood swings? no
38. Attractive? ....
39. Annoying? yes :)
40. Funny? yes
41. Hyper? no
42. Laid back? yes
43. Perfect? no
7. On a scale of 1-10, what would you rate my personality? 8
8. Pyhsically, what's my best feature? eyes
9. Mentally, what's my best feature? Smart
10. What do u like about me? you rock bitch!
11. Do u wish we were closer? if we were any closer, wed be naked.
12. What would you love to see me wear? n o t h i n g...... clothing i guess
13. State here your completely honest opinion of me... You are Leah Fellman, senior @ Randolph High School. You are there when I need you.
1. What is my phone #? 781 961 3325
2. (a) Do u think I'll get married? yes
(b) If u do..who do u think I'll marry? someone who makes you happy I hope
3. When is my birthday? April 22
4. Who is my best friend? Your sister
5. Where did we meet? Well we 1st met via your mommy, but we remet in middle school.
6. What do I look best in (clothing wise)?? I dunno, you look fine in whatever.
7. Have you ever had a dream about me? Besides the naked one, no. JK
8. If you could change one thing about me what would it be? Ummm - I dunno.
9. Describe me in 3-5 words: You are Leah Fellman :)!
10. If u could tell me one last thing what would it be? I love you Baritone Buddy!
11. If u could ask me anything..what would it be? O5???
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