your grace is enough.

Oct 02, 2005 15:36

This weekend was the Back to school retreat with my youth group, and lets just say it was pretty good. atfirst i kinda didnt wanna go but because idk just lately i havent really been up to worshipping God but erin made me go which im glad. so when i was on my way i had it all planned out that i wasnt gonna worship God or nothing i'm just gonna let this be a great weekend full of my friends. well, thankfully that didn't happen. this weekend was one of the hardest weekends i've had since pj see i was with mariesa the whole weekend (not like theres anything wrong with that) its just, whenever i look at her she makes me want to cry because i just think of pj and i can see right through her and her brother and her mom i can see how much there hurting and that is killing me. i hate so much that she hasta go through this, i've been through it before and it sucks. so this whole weekend all i mostly thought about was pj and on saturday i went miniture golfing with mariesa and her brother and it made me sad because the last time i went mini golfing was with her other brother pj and just the fact that he wasnt there to mini golf with us and never see him again until that day when i died and how when i look at mariesa i just assume that pj would be there and whenever i go by certain things it brings back mad memories of great times me and mariesa had had with him. oh and the matter of the fact the most recent picture i have of him in my head is his dead in his casket and thats killing me.

during the serice last night the speaker was amazing and at the alter call i went up with mariesa and he comes up to her and was like asking her if he could pray with her because God told him that something tradegic had just happened to her and so she told him all about what happened and then he says how yeah, no one knows why these terrible things happen, but they do, and God has a reason for everything and a plan for everything. but yeah this whole weekend made me feel like such an emo girl, i have a way of thinking things through so much that it makes me cry everytime. but besides the fact of that i had a pretty good weekend with all my amazing friends and i can honestly say that God has changed my life around from before and i'm glad i went.
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