E-P-I-T-A-P-H (Kyumin) - Chapter 23 Part B

Jul 12, 2010 19:19

Title: Epitaph
Pairing: Kyuhyun/Sungmin, Yesung/Ryeowook
Genre: Romance, Humor, Drama
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: The boys are not mine, just the fic^^
Summary: Sungmin pretends from being Kyuhyun's fiancee, to his his sister, then back from being his fiancee...then his wife?


'It's really Cho Kyuhyun!'
They yelled a bit louder and they ended up getting chased by, to Kyuhyun's unlikeness, girls, fan girls. He clearly didn't understand why he gets to be chased by girls when he's not an idol singer nor do he belongs to an idol group like the very popular Super Junior, but he runs away nonetheless.

He didn't notice how but every mile they ran, the fan girls chasing him increases. Wait, it’s not just fan girls, there are guys now and oh great, reporters, journalists and all sorts of scandal-causing Medias. He thinks this is such a big pain the butt and he remembers Sungmin whom he was dragging this whole time, and when he looks behind him, Sungmin was hiding himself.

Perhaps, it’s not just Kyuhyun they're after with but also his acquaintance, who is Sungmin, and Sungmin knows it, very well. He's almost exhausted from all the running and his legs are giving up on him and he noticed the distance between him and the people chasing behind him just decreased and it worried him.

Just as luck is at Kyuhyun's side, he saw a mall in front and decided to run towards it. The mall has lots of people, it'll give him time to get rid of the people chasing him through the crowd, and he thought he was genius but the mall just had to be there when he needed it. "Sungmin, keep on hiding your face!" He yells to Sungmin in a whisper and even not knowing what he meant, Sungmin kept his head low until they reached the department store.

The guards will most likely block or slow down the people chasing him but he couldn't believe that even the guards joined the chasing too. Dresses, great, genius, he thought as he runs past by the women's clothes and grabbed anything random which he'd think Sungmin would fit. Then he threw themselves inside a dressing room, panting hard.

Sungmin coughed of exhaustion and collapsed on the floor, fanning himself because of the heat and senseless running. "Kyu, just what are we doing here?" He asks and breathes again, coughing.

"Here," Kyuhyun says, throwing a simple pink cardigan and a white tee inside matched with a black frizzy skirt and that's when Sungmin thought, Kyuhyun has no fashion sense, at all. "Wear that,"

Sungmin raised an eyebrow as he looks at the dress Kyuhyun threw him. "Kyu, you have no fashion sense at all,"

"Yah, don't blame me, I was hurrying you idiot,"

Sungmin sighed, he then took off his hood but stopped when he was about to take off his shirt and he looks at Kyuhyun. "Umm,"

Kyuhyun turned to him, pissed. "What?"

"Can you...turn around?"

"...huh? Sungmin, we're both guys,"

"Yeah but...." Sungmin insists and pouts. "Its embarrassingggggg~~~"

Kyuhyun had no choice but to do what he said, though a bit exasperated, he turned around and waited for Sungmin. “Hurry up,”

“I am!” Sungmin exclaims as he takes off his shirt and quickly puts on the white tee then the pink cardigan next, buttons it and then he fixes his hair. He thought twice if he was going to take off his pants too but he really didn’t have a choice so he opens his jeans and slid id down his legs. He took if from the floor, stepped on by his feet and threw it aside as he hurriedly wears the frizzy skirt next and he realized, he’s wearing rubber shoes. “Um, Kyu,” He calls and Kyuhyun turns around.

“Thank God you’re done, let’s go-“

“Um, I’m wearing rubber shoes,” He cuts Kyuhyun off.

Kyuhyun looked at his shoes, though confused.  “Yeah I can see it,”

“I can’t go out wearing rubber shoes,”

“Why not?”

“I’m wearing a skirt and the hell with matching a skirt, frizzy skirt with men’s rubber shoes!” He exclaims.

“Forget about it! I don’t care! We need to get out of here!” Kyuhyun then grabs his hand and pulls him outside the dressing room. As soon as they were out, Kyuhyun noticed how the department store suddenly became crowded and he could seem some familiar faces of those people who chased him earlier.

“Come on,” He says to Sungmin as he hides his face and Sungmin got nothing to do but follow him and hide his face as well. Kyuhyun continues walking until he reaches the exit without any hardships but as both of them walks past, an alarm beeped and they stopped in shock.

The people turned to them and the guards went back to their places as well as the staffs approaching them. “Hey, you two!” One of the guards came yelling. “You two stole something?” He asks as he approaches them.

Sungmin a bit scared walked back and hid behind Kyuhyun, his face buried behind as he holds Kyuhyun’s hand, squeezing it tightly. Kyuhyun was surprised for a moment but he knows it’s not the time to think about those now. Shit, I forgot to pay for the dress, Kyuhyun thought. Kyuhyun you are so stupid, dammit.

“No,” He says, head still low as he took something from his pocket. “I forgot to pay,”

“Then pay, now,” The other guard said. “Dumbass, not paying,”

Kyuhyun heard him, completely and he was pissed, Sungmin saw it, his eyes turning mad again so he squeezes Kyuhyun’s hand more tightly to remind him there’s something more important than picking a fight right now. Kyuhyun paused for a moment and he breathes to calm himself, he then took out his credit card and gave it to the cashier. “Here,”

The cashier then took the credit card though looking at Kyuhyun suspiciously and swiped it. “What the…” The lady exclaims eyes wide and turned back to Kyuhyun. “Cho Kyuhyun shii?!” She yells when she saw the name when she swiped the credit card.

Alarmed, Kyuhyun grabbed his credit card from the lady and ran away immediately, causing the people to be startled and ended up being chased again. “Kyu!” Sungmin yells.

“Shut up! Just run!” Sungmin then pulled back his hand which left Kyuhyun confused at the moment when he turns around, hoping for an explanation. “What are you doing?!”

“I need to go back!”


Sungmin wanted to yell in front of his face that he needs to go back for his jacket, the jacket he lent him earlier but he knows Kyuhyun won’t let him. “I jus-“ He was cut yet again with Kyuhyun repeating the same thing which is grabbing him, pulling him, and running away, great. Just great. It’s a very nice scene, almost repeated scenes.

They ran for almost all night, not likely, but as long as they can remember, all they did was run and hide. “Kyu, I’m sleepy…” Sungmin murmured, unknowingly laying his head on Kyuhyun’s shoulder, both of them sitting outside the mansion and leaning on the wall.

Kyuhyun couldn’t blame him, it’s almost midnight now. “Let’s go in,” He told Sungmin as he stands up, stretching his body. Sungmin stood up next with the help of Kyuhyun to avoid out-balancing and yawns.

“Just what happened to you guys?” was the first sentence Kibum said when he opened the door for them. “Did you two go racing or something?”

“Not funny,” Kyuhyun says, ignoring his lame joke which wasn’t supposed to be a joke anyway and continued walking while holding Sungmin’s hand as Sungmin seems to be closing his eyes of sleepiness.

“It wasn’t supposed to be a joke,” Kibum replies. “Is she alright?” He asks as he follows them.

“He’s just sleepy,” Kyuhyun continues and he opens the door to his room. “We’re sleeping now, goodnight.” He says before closing the door in front of a clueless Kibum.

“O…kay…? Good night?” He says and decided to walk back to his work, shaking his head.

Meanwhile, since Kyuhyun noticed that Sungmin wouldn’t let go of his hand either, he went straight to bed without changing and so did Sungmin, eyes half-open and half-closed. “Wow, he sure is tired,” He says, lying beside the now sleeping Sungmin, soundly. “He’s not even snoring,” He adds and ought to pull back his hand but Sungmin resisted, he smiles and let it go, letting Sungmin hold his hand for the rest of the night and he closes his eyes, sleeping soundly.


“Good Morning people! Hey love birds!!!”

“Miss, can you shut up please?”

“You don’t know me?!”

“Yeah, like, who are you?” Kibum asks.

“I’m Victoria!” Victoria yells then approached Sungmin and Kyuhyun’s bed. “Yo sleepyheads!” He yells again while shaking them. “Get up! Now!” He yells in front of them. “I SAID GE-“ She stumbles back down when suddenly a ginormous pillow was thrown unto her face.

“Shut. Up.” Kyuhyun says, sitting up and glaring at her.

“That wasn’t nice!” Victoria says, standing up.

“What are you doing here, woman?”

“Don’t tell me Hankyung oppa didn’t tell you,” Victoria says. “Board Presentation? Apparently you were-“

“OH SHIT!” Kyuhyun exclaims.

“Oh, I see he told you, you just forgot,” Victoria says, crossing her arms.

“I COMPLETELY FORGOT! DAMMIT!” Kyuhyun yells, quickly standing up but paused when he realized a hand holding his, scratch that, still holding his and he turns around. “What the…”

“What’s wrong?” Victoria asks.

“Can you two go out…I-I have to change first,”

“Oh sure,” Kibum says and he walks out of the room with Victoria following him and when the door closed, Kyuhyun looks back to Sungmin, sleeping soundly, not an inch of movement, none yet at all.

He kneels down and brushed the hair on Sungmin’s face. “You look better sleeping, I never knew,” He says and slowly pulling his hand off of Sungmin’s, avoiding to wake him up. “Good morning,” He whispers, successfully pulling his hand out and he stands up, sliding the blanket up to Sungmin’s shoulders and walks away to his closet.

Thirty minutes later, he walks in a fast speed to the living room and found Victoria impatiently waiting for him and Kibum still busy on his laptop. “Good morning Kyuhyun shii,” Kibum greets. “Looks like you have works to be done,” He teases and grins.

“Kyuhyun, who is this guy?” Victoria asks while pointing at Kibum.

“Kibum…some guy Sung…son found,” Kyuhyun answers, buttoning his suit.


“Well, nevermind,” Victoria stands up from the couch and approached Kyuhyun, her hands on her hips. “So…about your report,”

“Come on, I’ll be late,” He says, grabbing his band walking to the door without even turning back around and he went straight to his car parked in front.

Victoria glares at him. “Argh!” She exasperates as she follows outside, walking to her car.

“Bye~” Kibum greets teasingly, chuckling secretly and went back to his work.


Sungmin woke up just right after Kyuhyun left, opening his eyes slowly only to be met with a pure white bed sheet, sweet scent of the pillows and the sun rays passing through the wide windows. It was cold but it was refreshing. He clenches his hand gently and curved his lips for a smile. “It was warm…” He whispers to himself, beaming of joy.

He then sat up and stretched his arms, yawning still. He heard someone knock at the door and he yells to come in. “Oh, Kibum,” He greets. “Good morning,” And he smiles.

“Oh, you’re awake,” Kibum says, walking in with his sling bag, dressed up already for work. “Good morning too,” He greets back and he saw the questioned look on Sungmin face so he went on. “I’m going to work now, are you okay alone?”

“Yeah,” Sungmin nods. “I’ll be fine, take care!” He adds and he yawns once again and when he opens his eyes, he came to see the picture accidentally, the picture of Kyuhyun and his mom, or Kyuhyun’s mom, it’s intriguing him that he paused, thinking and he frowns.

“Sungson?” Kibum calls.

Sungmin snaps and turned back to Kibum, smiling. “Oh sorry,” He says, chuckling.

“I’m going now…”

“Okay…” He says as Kibum walks away. “Wait,”

“Huh?” Kibum stops.

“Can I ask a favor?”

“Sure, what is it?”

“Can you…help me find a person’s background?”

“Person’s background? Hmm…yeah that’ll be easy, who?”

“Kyuhyun’s mom,” Sungmin says, with all courage and guts, not even concerned about the endless questions Kibum may ask him, repetitive why’s and suspicious looks but he left Kibum shocked, more shocked than he is.





pairing:yewook, pairing:kyumin, pairing: eunhae

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