HEECHURELLA [act 29/final act]

Jul 06, 2010 21:08

               "I know...please bear with me!" Hankyung softly slid his hands at the back of Heechul and slowly lifting him, carrying him as gentle as he could so he won't add to the pain Heechul's feeling right now.                 "You're gonna be fine..." Hankyung walked in a speedy pace to Kibum who was standing near the door. Kibum was already standing, well it’s a good thing he knows first aid. As soon as the door was opened, Hankyung was met with a lot of cops running errands, ambulances already outside, police mobiles parked and aid team coming to take Heechul.

"Hankyung..." Heechul called out while he was being taken away, lying on the stretcher.


Hankyung felt as if he was gonna die of worry, the last time he saw Heechul before he was taken inside the operating room, he was nothing from the Heechul he had first met. Fresh wounds, open cuts and blood stains everywhere, its as if he was already dead yet he was breathing, like he was pale but he is also warm. Words can't describe how Hankyung was shocked of this, it just doesn't seem right. Kibum came to approach him, he has a cast on his arm and Hankyung still felt guilty.

"Hankyung, you don't have to blame yourself for this." Kibum says as he sits beside Hankyung, outside the operating room.

"I was weak. This is my entire fault."

"No, you weren't. You stayed by his side until the end."

Hankyung looked at him. "If something happens to him...I don't know..." He sighs.

Kibum patted Hankyung's back lightly. "Your parents are staying in one room; you might want to visit them."

"Thanks but...I will...later."

"Whatever you say, Hankyung." Kibum stood up. "Oh and, your friends are there too, they're worried about you, I kept telling them to come and see you but they refused to do so."

Hankyung nods.

"You have such great friends."

Hankyung can't smile, even until Kibum left him there. He's thankful to have such great friends but Heechul is much more than that.

Meanwhile, inside his parents' room, the usual groups of friends enjoyed each other's companies. Eunhyuk was trying to be sweet for once but failed when he accidentally fell on Donghae's wounded leg. He screamed like he was gonna die of pain. Ryeowook was currently feeding something to Yesung while Yesung was reading something. Kyuhyun was sleeping on Sungmin's lap as Sungmin strokes his hair. Seeing this kind of scene, Kibum felt much more blessed. He was thankful he was able to save some important neighborhoods. He then walked away from the room, quite satisfied with himself and he couldn't ask for more.


"Emergency! Call the other surgeons in!" Suddenly, startling Hankyung, one nurse went out of the operating room and suddenly panicked, calling other doctors in. Hankyung was confused, everyone were very much panicking inside too.

"Clear!" He heard on surgeon yelled. His eyes widened, Heechul's heart can't be giving up. He ran to the room but was blocked by two male nurses.

"Sorry sir, you can't come in." They say, pushing him back only to bump at few other surgeons running to the room.

"What's happening?!" He asks the nurses but they weren't much listening to him, like ignoring him. He clenches one of the nurse's shirt and asks again, annoyed and impatient. "Tell me what's happening!"

"Sorry, sir, we have to go back."

"His heartbeat is decreasing!" He heard again, from the unclosed doors. The male nurses went to run inside, closing the doors until he can't hear anything anymore, nothing, the beeps, the cling of the metals, the yells, nothing. He felt so useless and hopeless.

Standing there, he pitied himself. He's useless like how he thought he is. He leans against the wall, sliding down and sitting, bowing his head, praying for what he wants. His selfish desires, he wants Heechul back. He needs him, he'll die without him.

A moment later, one of the surgeons went out, slowly with a gloomy face. He was afraid to ask, he was afraid to hear what he would say, he was scared of the outcome. "Yes...?" He asks, with trembling voice, almost as soft as a whisper.

"Mr. Han...he's alive," He says and Hankyung sighs in relief, he can't believe it, he needs to hear it again. "He's well, though he still needs to be observed, he managed to stay alive."

It was confirmed. Hankyung reaches his hand to the doctor and hugged him happily. "Oh My God, thank you!" He yells. "Thank you so much!"

"Mr. Han...!" The doctor tried to pull out the hug. "Mr. Han, I know how happy you are but I can't breathe!"

"OH!" Hankyung let go of him. "Can I see him???"

"Yes I guess you can but not until he's moved to the ICU."

"THANK YOU!" Hankyung yells again, a smile wide on his face. He saw Heechul on the stretcher pushed through the hallways, he assumes he'll be moved in the ICU and so he follows them. He can see Heechul, even though his eyes are closed and his face is mostly covered with a mask, he can still see him. He missed him.


It has been 1 month since the whole incident. Heechul is still recovering at the hospital, taking therapies and all. His legs were also numb so he can't move then, not an inch, nor feel them. He decided to take therapies so he'll be able to walk again and Hankyung is much happier to help him with it.

Yesung, Ryeowook, Kyuhyun, Sungmin, Eunhyuk and Donghae decided to live in one roof. They rebuilt Donghae's house that was burned down and sold Siwon's mansion. They received a large income of that and it helped them with rebuilding Donghae's home. It was there once again, it was gone but it was back. Donghae was so happy, his dad would've been proud of him.

Siwon was put in jail, 40 years of imprisonment is enough for them, they didn't wish for a harsher punishment for he gets what he deserves in the end. Kibum became a General, even he was surprised about this since he's a Police Officer but he took it in the end. Being a General, it was his honor so there was no way he'll decline it.

Ryeowook cleaned his room, non-stop, looking at everything. He saw the clothes Henry bought for him. He was lonely, Yesung can see it. He has grown attached to Henry so he can't avoid it. "Wookie," Yesung approaches him and he looks up. "Do you want to see him?" He asks.

Ryeowook's eyes widened. "What? No..I..."

"Wookie, it’s alright. It’s the least I can do."

Ryeowook smiles at him. "Thanks."

"Anything for you." Yesung smiles back, kissing his forehead gently.

Later that day, the first place Ryeowook decided to go to is Henry's apartment. It was still the same, even the neighborhood though they look empty. He went up the stairs and knocked at the door but no one was opening. "That's weird..."

"Ryeowook...?" A familiar voice called him from down the stairs and he turned in unison with Yesung.

"Young Saeng hyung!" He greets and went down.

"Are you looking for Henry?" Young Saeng asks and Ryeowook nodded at him. "Sorry dear, he already moved out."


"He was packing his things one day and all of his furniture was moved out, he said bye to us and then this apartment is once again vacant."

"Do you know where he is?"

Young Saeng shook his head. "I dunno sorry, he's not in his home either so most likely, he went abroad."

With that, Ryeowook decided to not look for him anymore. Whatever Henry does, he knows it’s his choice; it’s what he wanted so there's not much he can do about it. He's happy when everyone is, so he knows everything is fine.

Yesung held his hand tightly inside the car, reminding him there's someone who'll always be with him, no matter what. Ryeowook smiles at him reached up for a kiss which startles Yesung but he like it nonetheless. After all that happened to them, he's very blessed that Ryeowook still chose him. He promised himself, he'll never do those things to him, ever again. Unless he wishes for it, that is.

Ryeowook and Yesung most likely considered their love as fragile and precious, like that small bottle Ryeowook have been keeping all this time, through the years. The gift Yesung gave him, it’s just right there. Inside their room, safe and sound.


Kyuhyun and Sungmin never saw Zhou Mi again, though Eunhyuk and Donghae still wants to play with him, they were convinced that maybe its the right choice that he'll never show his face to them again. Sungmin most likely tried to teach Kyuhyun proper manners when in front of people; he has this problem of rudeness all over him.

Eunhyuk and Donghae, mostly likely, never changed at all. Still the same playful dorks that ruins their living room whenever they play with each other. And Sungmin just ends up scolding them, then Ryeowook would end up cleaning their mess then afterwards Yesung will end up getting mad at them for making Ryeowook clean once again. They never changed, never will.

Their life is perfect now.


For 1 month, Hankyung never left Heechul, he was his precious one. From the operation, to the recovery and to therapies, he was always there, always by his side. He felt so happy when he notices that Heechul if gaining weight and he's almost back to who he was before, that Heechul. He was smiling again, everytime Hankyung sees that, he feels so light and joyful inside, like a hard rock was taken out from his heart that it came beating again. "Are you gonna stare at me like that all day?"

"I'd love to." Hankyung replies.

"Hankyung," Heechul warns him. "I'll melt like that, look, I'm not going anywhere okay?"

"Well, I'm not saying you are."

Heechul sighs. Hankyung is very sweet but him staring at him almost time to time is totally uncalled for. "Hankyung, can I ask you a favor?"

"Ofcourse, anything for you, Chul." Hankyung smiles, greatly delighted.

"Can you please not sell my old home?" Heechul asks, carefully.

Hankyung looks at him, seriously yet very much confused. Although he can come to understanding it, he'd rather choose getting confused about it. "Why?"

"Hmm...I don't know. That mansion is like...a legacy for me. I'm like this because of that place. I came to know who I am, able to meet my friends, able to find my brothers...able to find you."

Hankyung looks at him and smiles back when he sees Heechul smiling at him again. "Sure, like I said, anything for you."

They heard a loud bang of the door and footsteps. "Sorry for interrupting~" Both Heechul and Hankyung turned and saw Sungmin walking with Kyuhyun and Ryeowook. "Hi hyung~"

Heechul was still amazed at the sight of these three together. The last time he saw a scene like this was when they were younger, years long before and he could barely remember how they looked like then. "Hey~" Heechul greeted back. Kyuhyun settled himself on the couch beside the bed and Sungmin placed the bouquet of flowers he brought with him at the flower vase on top of the table. "Sunflowers?"

"Uh-huh," Sungmin nods, still properly arranging the flowers. "Sunflowers means bold yet comfortable, it also represents the sun," Sungmin continues and he turns to Heechul, smiling. "Since you're always here, you barely see the sun rise so I thought I'd bring you sunflowers so you won't always miss it."

Kyuhyun smiles, Hankyung smiles and Heechul smiles. "Thank you, that's so sweet."

Sungmin giggled and he turns to Ryeowook when he notices he's ruffling his bag again, busily that he didn't hear anything Sungmin said just now. Heechul smiled and called him, when he wasn't able to answer, Hankyung nudged him instead since he's standing right beside him. "Huh?" Ryeowook looks at them. "What?"

"You're busy with your bag again," Heechul says. "What's in there?"

Ryeowook looks down at his bag placed at the edge of Heechul's bed and pulled his hand out. "Oh, here!" He lifts his hands and they saw a packed meal, thinking 'oh, right', knowing Ryeowook so well. "I made your favorite food hyung!"

"Oh, so that's why you cooked it earlier," Kyuhyun interrupts. "I thought it was for us but you packed it, I was so annoyed."

"If you told me, I could've made you some too." Ryeowook says as he let Heechul take the packed meal from his hands.

"Awww...I missed this cooking!" Heechul yelped, excited at the food he used to eat whenever Ryeowook has the time.

Hankyung's phone suddenly rang and so he excused himself out of the room. Heechul let him and so as the others. After a while, he went back and called for Ryeowook and Sungmin. "Wookie, Sungmin, Yesung called me, he said you need to go there," He informs. "Are your phones off or what? Its weird that he called me."

"I think I left it at home." Sungmin says.

"I lost my phone yesterday, that's why." Ryeowook explains.

"You going or what?" Hankyung asks both of them and they nodded, its not like they have any choice at all anyway. They asked for Hankyung to drive them instead since Kyuhyun was insisting to stay and with  Heechul asking for it too, he had no choice but to agree on driving them to the company.

As soon as they were gone, Heechul remembers the one thing he wasn't able to ask. "Kyu," He calls and Kyuhyun turns to him. "What happened to the company?"

Kyuhyun thought for a moment as Heechul waits. He sighs and decided to answer. "Yesung hyung rebuilt it. He doesn't want to continue Appa's business so he started his own," He explains. "With me, helping ofcourse."

"Rebuilt it? What business?"

"Home design, furniture, and decorations. Things like that."

Heechul nods. He thinks he understands Yesung and Kyuhyun and he's satisfied with that. Home designs. It clearly makes sense they want to build new homes for everyone after they built their own. They want people to continue living together with the help of their company so he won't be able to miss every single day without them. It has a deep meaning and a different feeling behind it, it was awesome for Heechul. Especially at how much his brothers changed. Being the eldest of the three, he feels so accomplished. Thank God, their sufferings has ended and they're still complete. The old group  of friends he had years ago are still here and he was very blessed. Very, blessed.


Six months later, at Han mansion, an evening full of delight and loyalty. The Han family decided to set up a party, much to Heechul's surprise when he knew it was for him, recovering quickly and being back at them when he thought it was just another lame party rich people like them do.

"I'm too shy!" Heechul yells, refusing to get out of the room.

"How can you be so shy?!" Ryeowook yells, trying to pull Heechul out of the room. "Sungmin hyung, Eunhyuk hyung and I have to wear dresses too, you won't be an exception!"

"Sungmin seems to enjoy it and you don't have a problem with that, but I have!" Heechul yells again, refusing to get out of the room wearing a long gown, color of white with streaks of pink and violet, shadowed with red velvet, much like an impression of an aurora. His hair was do-ed with think strands compressed up from the nape of his neck to the temple of his head with a few more strands flowing down to his shoulders, matched with a diamond pin putting them together.

"You sure don't look like someone who would refuse this! Get out now, hyung! Hankyung and the guests are waiting outside!"

"Can't they just start without me???"

"No, they can't! This party is for you so you have to be there! HYUNG!!!" Ryeowook yells, angry, at the top of his lungs, stomping his foot and blaming Kyuhyun for passing this task to him.   "Come on!!!"

Heechul looked at him, startled. "Alright fine," He sighs and he grabbed his mini purse. "I'll go out, only if you go with me."

"Finally, you ruined my mood, a bit," Ryeowook followed by grabbing his handkerchief and fan which he placed on the table near the door. When he had it, he opened the door and waited for Heechul. "Come on hyung." He says, tilting his head, emphasizing.

Heechul smiles and carefully walked over, with 2 inches heels as he avoids tripping and stepping on his long gown. He does look like a lady, even more gorgeous than a real one. "This will be the first time and the last time I'm gonna do this...hopefully...its so embarrassing..." He murmurs as he walks down the hallway with Ryeowook, obviously not listening to him.

They arrived at the hall, it was so elegant and gorgeous. The lighting was so classical yet beautiful and Heechul can't explain through words how much he liked how the hall looked like. Being so amazed, he barely noticed Ryeowook walking away from him when Yesung offered him to dance, wearing that vampire inspired long black coat with a cape and a gorgeous mask. And when he did notice him, he was already walking with Yesung carefully escorting him to the dancing crowd.

He looks around, hoping to find a company but people wearing masquerade masks makes it difficult since he could hardly determine who is who.  Except for Donghae and Eunhyuk who did nothing but play pranks on people. He chuckles just by watching them. He then hardly recognized Sungmin, he saw him awhile ago dressed like that but he totally looks like a girl too. He was dancing with Kyuhyun and seems to be talking to him non-stop. The same old gossip girl, ei.

He wanders around, hoping to spot more familiar faces but he yelped when a hand pulled him that he stopped walking and he turns around. "Hankyung!" He yells in relief when he realizes that broad body infront of him, even with his face covered with a masquerade mask. "You look good." He smiles at him.

"You look good too," Hankyung smiles back and he offers one hand, formally. "Care to dance, my gorgeous lady?" He asks, with that princely wear he was wearing, he totally looked like a prince and he was so fucking handsome.

Heechul wanted to squeal and giggle but that will be an inappropriate behaviour in times like this so he calmed himself and gulped. "Ofcourse," He replied softly, taking his hand. "I would love to." He giggles a bit but stopped when Hankyung slid his hand to his back and the other hand holding his, lifted beside them. They stared at each other, with the classical and heart-warming music surrounding and lingering in their ears. Its like, there's no one here but them.

"You're so gorgeous," Hankyung whispered. "I'm so lucky, I found you."

"Me too," Heechul replies. "Thanks a lot, Hannie."

"For what?"

"For everything, you saved me, I owe my life to you."

"I did that because I love you," Hankyung ensures. "You gave meaning to my life, that's so much bigger than me saving your life," Hankyung joked and Heechul chuckled it out. "I hope you won't change." He adds.

Hankyung smiled at him, widely and he reaches both his hands to Hankyung's face and he pinches his cheeks. "I told you so many times, I won't leave you and I sure won't change either." He chuckles with Hankyung and he wraps his arms around Hankyung's neck, reaching for the thread of the mask Hankyung's wearing. He unties it while staring deeply at Hankyung's eyes and Hankyung let him until the mask completely loosened and it fell off from his eyes, showing his delicate and gorgeous face.

Heechul brushes Hankyung's hair off from his eyes so he can see it clearly, the eyes he fell for, the eyes that looked after him, the eyes that will continue to see him. Hankyung pulls Heechul closer to him until their noses are only inches away and he went for a deep kiss, a sweet and deep kiss. It was then that they heard the crown clapping around them and cheering but they didn't mind, even if all of their attentions are unto them, they feel so special and important.

They broke off the kiss and turned to the people around them, smiling and giggling with their arms still around each other. The crowd just kept on clapping, Ryeowook and Yesung clapped with them with Ryeowook leaning to Yesung, his head on his shoulders. Kyuhyun and Sungmin also joined, smiling, with Kyuhyun hugging Sungmin tightly from behind. And who would miss Eunhyuk and Donghae, they cheered along from the second floor, looking down at the sweet couple with their hands entangled together behind the railings. Kangin and Leeteuk was so much more happier, as they sat at the seats especially for them.

This is why, no matter how many hardships you face, the people around you, your family, your friends specially the one you love will always be there as long as you believe in their faith. Even if there are people who will come and hurt you, sometimes its because they love you and they wanted to protect you but they'll always remain the same. Even if the whole world betrays you, they will never betray you, because they love you and you love them more. Fin.

Heechul closed the book and dropped it on the table after finished reading it. He stretched his arms while leaning at the back of the chair inside the library. He sighs and tilted his neck, feeling accomplished. He looked out the window and noticed that its late afternoon already, the sun was already setting, just in time he finished reading the book he picked. He stares at the sun setting, like a sunflower, so warm and bright but was interrupted when someone called his name.

"Heechul-ah!" His friend yells from afar and the people turns to him, shooting him glares, telling him to shut up. "Sorry..." He whispers and he walked over to Heechul. "I've been looking for you since this morning! How long have you been here?"

Heechul couldn't answer since he isn't sure himself. "I don't know, but I'm pretty sure I didn't eat lunch."

"So you were here the whole morning? What're you doing here anyway?"

"Nothing," He said, shaking his head. "Just reading a book."

"A book? Oh this?" His friend took the book and scanned it. "Heechul?" He says, reading the name from the book.

"The protagonist has the same name as me, cool right?"

"Cool, and freaky..." His friend chuckles. "Oh well, since you've finished it already, let's grab something to eat!" His friend offers.

"Sure, wait for me outside, I'll just place this back to the shelves." Heechul smiles at him and he walked out first as he grabbed his things, taking the book with him and looking for the shelf where he took it out from. To be honest, he wasn't that interested at the book in the first place, only the name of the protagonist interested him but as deeper as the story progresses the more he read it, he have grown attach to it, especially to the protagonist since he would unknowingly imagine it's him.

He found the shelf where he took it from and smiled when he saw the empty space between the books. He quickly walked over it but bumped to someone since he wasn't paying attention infront of him and it caused his things to fall on the floor, including the book. "Awwh!" He exclaims as he tried to regain his senses. He looked for his things and grabbed the book but paused when he saw the same book just beside it, then a hand held it. He looked up, assuming it was the person whom he bumped into at the same time the guy looked at him. He's Chinese. Heechul thought, judging from eyes and his face structure. "Sorry."

"No, I should be saying sorry!" The Chinese guy responded. He may be Chinese but he speaks Korean well enough. "Wow, we're reading the same book."

"Oh, actually, I just finished it so I'm returning this."

"Really? Me too!" The Chinese guy says as he helps Heechul with his things. They both stood up afterwards to place the book back then he turned to Heechul, offering his hand. "I'm Han Geng, by the way."

Heechul appreciates his kindness so he shook hands with him. "My name's Heechul."

"Heechul? You have the same name as the protagonist from the book."

"I know, that's why I read it," Heechul replies, smiling. He looked at Han Geng confusingly when he felt some connection between them. "Say, have we met before? You seem familiar."

"Hmmm...," Han Geng thinks. "No, I don't think so. It's my first time in this library so it's quite impossible."

"I see," Heechul nods. "Do you want to grab something to eat? My friend's waiting for me outside."

"Ah, no thanks, I have somewhere to go."

"Alright, I'm confident we'll see each other again so take care." Heechul bows and turns around, walking away as Han Geng watches him.

"See you soon." He whispers and he turns around, walking the opposite direction of Heechul.


author's note:

OMFG, after half a year, i only upd8ed now >.<
I'M REALLY SORRY, I hope you still remember this fic >.<
i had to write the ending because there are some who wants the continuation~
its already the last chap so maybe that's why i had a hard time writing it~ >.<
didja understand the ending? if you didn't, just comment...hehe <333



pairing:kangteuk, pairing:yewook, pairing:kyumin, pairing: eunhae, pairing:hanchul

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