Title: Genie Pairing: Main!Kyuhyun/Sungmin, Yesung/Ryeowook, Eunhyuk/Donghae Genre: Romance, Humor, Fantasy, Drama Rating: PG-13 Disclaimer: No..still the boys aren't min. Just the effing fic. Summary: Kyuhyun found a Genie...a Naughty Genie.
YAAYYYY! SPOT!! :D thank you. :-* once i read the persian kitten part, i googled it. XDDD OMG. SUCH A CUTIE. XDDDDDDD I literally squealed. :P I CAN'T PREDICT WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN NEXT. T_T can Kyu wish for like.. 10 more wishes. or.. can kyu wish for sungmin to be a true human and stay with him forever? XDDD kyaa!~ thank you so much for the update! <33 can't wait to read the next one!! <33 EPITAPH TOO!
once i read the persian kitten part, i googled it. XDDD
OMG. SUCH A CUTIE. XDDDDDDD I literally squealed. :P
I CAN'T PREDICT WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN NEXT. T_T can Kyu wish for like.. 10 more wishes. or.. can kyu wish for sungmin to be a true human and stay with him forever? XDDD
kyaa!~ thank you so much for the update! <33 can't wait to read the next one!! <33 EPITAPH TOO!
thanks for reading! ^____^
*mwax* ^.^
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