
Oct 02, 2012 22:32

So um. Haven't been here for a while. Have some random thoughts.

- I have a picture of myself holding a gun. But the more I see other people with those types of pictures the more I think, "what is the deal with that?" I want to put a picture on FB of me holding a gun. But I'll be blowing someone's face off. And it'll be right there, as my wallpaper thing, and it'll be grotesque and violent and absolutely real. Because honestly. It's a gun. The idea that violent machinery will make you cool simply if you hold one and pose for a picture is sick. People should pose with defibrillators instead or something.

- With that said, I do wish I was more proficient with firearms. For the impending zombiepocalypse. I like being skilled at things.

- Watching Louie season 3. It's fantastic. With every season he sort of steers farther and farther away from comedy. It's not that it's not funny. It's that it's MORE than that. It's life. It's weird but it's life. It's such great slices of social commentary, character analysis, bits and pieces of things that are fantastical but yet so relatable. There was an episode where he goes on a date with a woman who becomes increasingly erratic and we as the audience begin to realize he is on a date with an actual crazy person. It's so good.

- So manic pixie dream girl. I know what that is but it's such a broad term. And also is it just a series of personality traits or is it an archetype of a woman who doesn't really have much agency on her own other than her collection of quirks? Because can you, in reality, be a manic pixie dream girl but still be a viable human being? Or is it by definition required for you to be nothing more than a cartoon set piece to qualify? I sometimes wonder if I'm a manic pixie dream girl.

- Is that a weird thing to wonder about yourself? Am I one of these movie archetypes?

- I've been having some issues with writing lately. I haven't really written at all in months. It's weird. I also haven't read in months. It's like I'm telling myself to do these things but I can't bring myself to do it.

- November is coming up though! I'm excited. If I'm lucky this will be one of my last stress free Novembers. And since C is all nice and settled we can have writing parties together! Maybe.

- The episode where Louie looks after some lady's shitty kid is pretty amazing too. He pushes a baby into the street, tosses his rug out the window, and shits in his tub. Also he eats bowls of raw meat. And at first as the audience you're thinking, "this child is evil and I hate him." Then you see how Louie deals with him, with absolute honesty but almost saintly patience and compassion. I start thinking about how as an adult you have to do that. Your quibble isn't really with this kid who is pretty much a victim of upbringing but with his mom who feeds him raw meat, doesn't say no to him, and wont let him eat "carbon." Because what's the point in arguing with a child? Adults have difficulty grasping abstract concepts of logic and morality and duty so how the fuck is a kid going to get it? All you can do is say the truth and let them take it as it is. It's not that kids are stupid because they are the opposite. It's that for children things mostly just come in black and white.

nanowrimo, life, writing, tv, contemplation, womanhood

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