korra sidebar

May 05, 2012 20:19

Today's episode of Korra was fantastic. FANTASTIC.

Not because of the action.

Not because of the animation (it's always awesome).

But because of the love triangle! Yeah! I know! I hate them too! The first 15 minutes of this episode had me reeling because I was thinking, "NO! Not Korra. Don't do this to Korra. She deserves better than a forced stupid idiotic love triangle."

And then by the end of the episode I was so fantastically impressed with the way it was handled I was convinced this was necessary. Why was this necessary? Because I don't think I have ever seen a love triangle handled so expertly and with the woman in control the entire time. Ever. It's inspiring to give kids an example of when three people can like each other in an incredibly inconvenient combination and still be friends after.

For the non-viewers out there (no spoilers cut in this entry because the love triangle isn't really a huge plot issue), here is the scoop. Korra likes Mako, the older brooding brother. Bolin, the fun younger brother (I'm still unsure why Korra wouldn't go for Bolin), likes Korra. Mako likes Korra but he ALSO likes Asami, a more traditionally attractive and stereotypically feminine rich girl whose father just recently began sponsoring their Gladiator type team. Shit hits the fan when Korra, upon the advice of her Airbending Master's wife, decides to tell Mako how she feels. I love that Korra did this. We always expect the guy to do it because if a girl does it she looks clingy or something. But no. Korra knows what she wants and she's not afraid to express herself. Sadly, Mako tells her he doesn't share her feelings which dampens her self-esteem momentarily. Then Bolin asks her out.

Best line of the show?

‎"...you’re the smartest, funniest, buffest, toughest, talentedest, incrediblest girl in the world!"

Have you ever heard a boy say that to a girl? Like as a way to tell her how awesome she is? There's not a single mention of her physical beauty aside from how buff she is. It's not that the show says she's ugly. Bolin said she was pretty earlier in the show. It's that her being pretty is the least awesome thing about her. What's more awesome? Her talents and qualities as a person. Those things impress Bolin about her more than her face. They don't detract from Asami's more traditional attractiveness but instead the show creates a world where both girls can be attractive to the opposite sex without their two particular brands of attractiveness coming into conflict or becoming mutually exclusive. It's so fantastic!

So anyway, Korra goes on this date with Bolin and they have a great time! They have a burping contest, they eat noodles unattractively, and they people watch. Korra doesn't have to be prim and proper if that's not who she is and she can still be completely the bee's knees to Bolin. After their date, Mako confronts Korra. He's worried she's leading his brother on since she JUST told him that she liked him earlier. Korra immediately calls him out. He likes her and he's too afraid to admit it. In fact he probably thinks about her when he's with Asami.

This girl has some major ovaries. Ya know?

Mako refuses to take the bait and their fight remains unresolved. Later on they try and work things out and Mako finally admits his feelings for Korra. But the thing is, he likes Asami too! Jeez. This guy needs to make up his mind. Seriously. Why isn't Bolin like the hottest thing ever? Why would you date a guy who can't even decide what girl he wants to date? Anyway, Korra decides she's not going to wait for Mako to make up his stupid mind like he's Bella Swan or some shit. She kisses him. Also kissing someone who is already dating someone else is not ok, Korra. I love you but you need to not.

Bolin sees them. He starts to cry. No. Seriously. He is a really ugly crier.

It's adorable.


Anyway, this throws off their entire group dynamic and they SUCK at the tournament. It's the semi-finals and they just give up. Mako feels terrible, Bolin is pissed, and Korra is all, "Dammit guys we need to win this match! Stop having feelings!"

This entire time I'm screaming at my computer with rage and writhing on the bed and proclaiming to my sister that love ruins everything. Because it does. At least in the media. Apparently people are incapable of having emotions and dealing with them and also being crazy awesome. First Mako is knocked out. Then Bolin. It's just Korra. Oh noooos!

And then you know what? Something fantastic happened.

You know what would normally happen? Either Bolin or Mako would be the last one standing and they'd be forced to pull through despite the agony of their emotions of the lady in the middle. Then they'd all nobly concede their love or some shit or the episode would end with them fuming at each other. But not in Korra. No. In Legend of Korra the hero is fucking Korra so it's her job to move past whatever teenage shit is going on and win this fucking match, three against one. And she does. She fucking kicks ass! It's the GIRL not the GUY who is able to keep a level head and win the battle despite all the weird emotional shit going on. Mako and Bolin aren't invalidated for letting this whole love triangle thing knock them off their game and it's nice to see guys admit they feel like shit and talk through their issues. It's also totally awesome to see an example of the female hero take initiative and pulling her team up their their bootstraps when it's clear whatever they're all going through is keeping them from performing 100%.

Meanwhile, the two brothers aren't mad at each other anymore! Because they're brothers and it's just a girl and they'll work it out. You have fights and it's complicated and stuff but they'll still be there for each other.

Also, when Korra won that fight? And the two brothers were all, "hubba hubba" and holy shit. It was so cool. It's like. Yeah. Two attractive teenage boys who are athletic and strong and masters at their kungfu moves can be seriously attracted to a teenage girl who is stronger, faster, and better at fighting than them. Her ability to fucking own them is actually what makes them come into conflict with each other. OVER HER.

Because she's the buffest, smartest, coolest girl in the world!

This is a welcome departure from that cliched "Girl can't win guy. Girl gets a make-over. Guy sees her in a dress and is suddenly aware of what a catch she is." It happens all the time and it completely undermines what is being said about the character. For example, in Mulan the love interest only really asks her out after she shows up in a dress. And he's all, "I'm flustered and you're pretty!" Like yeah you're good with a sword and can shimmy up a pole but best get in that dress or else he wont know what to do with himself. Even though we spent the entire movie raging against conformity. In Korra that's not necessary. The moment when Mako fell for Korra was pretty much at the start of the show when he saw her come through on the waterbending. He fell over himself complimenting her on her excellent moves and was done for. Korra is a pants sporting, UGG wearing, tough SOB and the show doesn't need to change her or give her a lady makeover so that it can justify both male leads pining away for her. Her being herself is more than enough.

And then do you know what else happened? Korra and Mako agree that they should just be friends until they figure out what they really want. And Bolin forgives Korra for kissing Mako and kinda sorta leading him on. And they all agree Korra really came through for them and that they shouldn't let this stupid mess get in the way of teamwork! Love triangles don't have to mean the end of the world and we can all work through whatever is going on together! No rivalries and no unnecessary angsting. Sure this can be a way to behave but it doesn't have to be the ONLY way.

Also, Asami shows up to congratulate Mako on a great game and instead of making Korra see Asami as a rival we have Korra thank her graciously for helping them so much and acknowledging what a nice person she is. Asami isn't the interloper, she's not a bitch, and she's not a slut. The show doesn't do that to people just because we want one female character to date a male lead over another one. Sure there can be jealousy but Asami's a nice person and Korra is more than capable of valuing that over her feelings for Mako.

It was just so great.

Also, riding a dragon into battle and burning down an entire country for love is totally hot.

korra, fangirl alert, reviews, tv

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