all the community all the time everywhere

Feb 28, 2012 21:22

Do you know what I love more than Community? Nothing. Not even my FAMILY!

Ok. So that's not true.

But I was reading a roundtable done by the women of Community including the 3 principle actresses and writer Megan Ganz and I was overwhelmed with love for this show. Why is this world so cruel and unjust that something as fantastic as this show gets the sort of ratings that it does? WHY?!L!L:K@J!???!!!

Seriously I was going to write some sort of commentary on what was said during the roundtable but I realized I'd just be copying and pasting everything in the article. So instead I will just highlight my favorite bits without quoting in hopes that you will read the entire thing and see for yourself why everything about the this show including its cast and writers are fantastic:

- women in comedy
- women writers
- the importance of diversity in telling stories
- slut shaming and why Community is above that
- the infantilizing of female sexuality
- The sexualization of teen girls and the male gaze
- Rape culture and its place in comedy: I want to say more about this because I thought it was interesting how the roundtable dealt with Chevy Chase's unfortunate rape joke at the Paley Festival. His role in Community grows more and more similar to his real life persona the more I hear about him in his old age. A rape joke is exactly something I'd picture Pierce making, and always in poor taste. The actresses respond as I'd expect, by accepting it for what it is but not excusing it. Or well, they try and explain why he would do that but make it clear they aren't ok with it. Unfortunately he's old and there's not much they can change about his behavior now, so instead they'd rather focus on how to prevent others from doing it in the future. They're put in this awkward position where they don't want to badmouth their co-worker, someone they probably have deep affection for, but sadly understand well enough to know he says horrible things. I thought it was handled well.
- type casting
- race and racism
- going beyond stereotypes and constructing well-rounded female characters

It wasn't a particularly long interview but they covered so many topics and all rather succinctly but spot on.

If there is any justice in this world we will get a forth season so that team Community can finish telling their story.

fangirl alert, reviews, community

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