So if you haven't heard by now, Obama signed the
National Defense Authorization Act for 2012 and it's great news for America and bad news for Terror!
What's so great about this act is that our government now has full freedom to ignore and legally with hold all of your consitutional rights as an American so long as it's under the premise of "fighting terorism." Yay? Yay!
You know it's funny how we all look back at the McCarthy Era and have a good hearted chuckle over how crazy the whole commie scare was. And we laugh at the way Americans were deported or had to run away because they could be permanently arrested for being Communist sympathizers (those damn pinkos!). Now the rhetoric against "socialism" is back with the kind of justification that openly snears at sharing and caring (things you learn in kindergarten) and we've returned to the witch hunt style persecution of random people who may or may not be guilty of something. Anything! But we'll never know! Because they don't HAVE to go to trial for whatever they're accused of, don't HAVE the right to a jury of their peers, and can be held in prison FOREVER if the government decides that's prudent. Which is pretty much like living under Soviet Russia, if you sort of think about it, except instead of being arrested for saying Stalin is stupid you get arrested for saying words like "explode" and appearing possibly Middle Eastern. Or actually these days not even that. Stories are everywhere of white people - WHITE PEOPLE! - who are aiding those damn terror-ists. It could be anyone. It could be you.
Damn commies could be hiding in plain sight and we'd never know it! I bet there's still Russian spies among us. Cold War isn't over yet people!
Oh wait.
Wrong conflict that resulted in mass hysteria and unconstitutional legislation.
But seriously. I'm pretty sure the worst part about living in a communist state wasn't the part where you get universal health care and an equal distribution of wealth. I'm pretty sure the worst part was the shitty infrastructure and the inclination for communist leaders to turn totalitarian. And also secret police and the fear of being persecuted for invisible crimes without the ability to plead your case.
Which would never happen in the US because we have our constitutional rights, rights the founding fathers meticulously, purposely made sort of vague but oddly specific just so that no one had to go through that sort of unfair treatment bullshit by some asshole who claims to be their leader.
Oh wait...