So I'm going back to working on NaNoWriMo as soon as I get
this off my chest. I know this woman's going to be getting a lot of shit for speaking out mainly because she's morbidly obese. People look at fat fetishists like they're sick perverts but really, is it all that much more bazaar than those people who date runway models? Because come on. What kind of sick weirdo is sexually attracted to
That was sarcasm btw.
Unless you're into non-consensual sex, I don't give a fuck who you like having sex with and it's no business of mine to decide if it's sick or not.
What's disturbing is our society's need to make people feel like shit FOR being sexually desired. Why would anyone want to date a morbidly obese woman? Her fat is disgusting and she should crawl into a hole and die. Look at those runway models. They're skeletons. How could you have sex with that? That woman clearly has a disease. Some psychological disease one way or another might be manifested in the extreme physiques of the very fat and very thin but that's not really my point. My point is the fact that no matter what a woman looks like, she'll get shit for it.
The truly despicable part of
this entire campaign is the fact that it essentially uses a woman's appearance to justify her husband's infidelity. "Gentlemen, does your wife look like a hag? Are you no longer able to have sex with her without vomiting? Well you're in luck because here at Ashley Madison you don't have to. Pay us and we'll find you a completely different mate." The entire campaign is incredibly shallow and cruel.
And you know, this asshole has the gall to
try and justify his company. Not only that, some poor self-hating woman actually married this man. Was he cheated on a lot as a young man? Does he have mommy issues? Did his parents divorce? He claims he's "saving marriage." He thinks the fact that Fox pulled his ad is discrimination akin to what women face in the work place. He thinks his company's the same as giving a woman a diamond ring on V-day so that you can take her v-card.
Or something equally as crude.
No, I don't think monogamy's for everyone. I myself think that what consenting adults choose to do in the comfort of their own homes is entirely up to them. Hell, is polygamy really that horrible? When independent of our own western societal programming, several other human societies have worked quite well with the structure. What I don't believe in is dishonesty, and what Noel Biderman advocates is dishonesty. He wants people to lie to their spouses, having sex with other people behind their backs, and call it justified. Never, EVER, will that lay the foundation for a good marriage.
I think that if you're married and you agree that sex with other people will help keep your own marriage spicy and well oiled than go for it. I DON'T think that you should just go off and bang some random person on the internet because your wife's put on a few or 50 pounds and no longer gives you a hard on. Not unless your wife decided she really didn't want to have sex with you either and you both agreed it was best to seek physical pleasure elsewhere.
The very idea that this guy can make a company like this is insane. How is it that we live in a country where you can have online adultery sites and yet people STILL insist homosexuals infiltrating the holy sanctity of marriage is an abomination against God? Is Kim Kardashian's heterosexual 3 episode marriage to Chris Humphreys really more beautiful in the eyes of God than two women who have been partners for 10 years? Marriage must really be a sham if all that matters to make it righteous is whether it's between a man and a woman, all other fucked up things that happen in between that time be damned.