
Dec 13, 2009 16:33

Well, what way to jump back into being an active part of the LJ-community with a good old-fashioned meme! Sorry so late...

1. First Name

2. Age

3. Location
Just North of Pittsburgh, PA

4. Occupation
Hmmmm….Well… I was a corporate financial analyst for 6 years, then I took an extended maternity leave to raise my sweet baby girl, Noelle. During this time, I started working part-time at my local public library and also completed my Master of Library and Information Science which I just wrapped up with a 60 day student teaching gig in a Middle School Library. While I take two more classes towards my teaching certificate, I am returning to corporate finance. So, I guess, I am a Financial Analyst School Librarian Working Mother!

5. Partner
My husband, Andy, truly Mr. Super himself. We’ve been together for 7 years and married for a little over 4 years.

6. Kids
Our daughter, Noelle, the light of my life. She’ll be two in February, and I really have no idea where the time has gone. She is so much fun and amazes me with all she is learning and understanding each new day.

7. Siblings
My younger brother, Stephen. He’s one of my best friends, and he’s had a really tough year. I hope he finds happiness. And a girlfriend. I know you don’t need to be in a relationship to be happy, but I really want him to meet a nice girl to keep him company. He’s a wonderful uncle to Noelle and I really want there to be a wife and kids in his future.

8. Pets
Gatsby (named after my favorite book) the Old English Sheepdog that we adopted while we were dating. I’d wanted a Sheepdog ever since I saw “The Shaggy Dog” when I was five.I love him, but he has so many issues, he drives us crazy sometimes. (Don’t even think about sneezing or you’ll have 85 pounds of yelping hairy dog in your lap..etc. etc. etc. )
Pargo (named after the restaurant where Andy and I had our first date) quite possibly the sweetest most affectionate dog on the planet. We adopted her from a really run-down shelter in 2005.
Snoopy, my turtle, that my friend Raj rescued out of the Neuse River in North Carolina while bass fishing. She was the size of a quarter at the time and now she’s the size of a saucer!

9. 3-5 biggest things going on right now
School- I graduated on Friday with my Master of Library and Information Science from the University of Pittsburgh, something that has been in process since May 2007. It’s a huge relief to have that completed, but in order to be a School Librarian, which is what I really want to do, I need to take two more courses in the Spring to earn my PA teaching certificate, so I don’t really feel done. I just finished student teaching, which made life crazy busy, but I absolutely loved every minute of it, so it is exciting to have found a career I really love. Now…just two.more.classes….

Work- I just wrapped up student teaching and am getting ready to re-enter the corporate world. I start back with IBM with the same department that I took leave from almost two years ago. It’s a bit intimidating to say the least; I’ve gotten so used to thinking of myself as a stay at home Mom and a librarian, to jump back into corporate finance is going to be strange. However, as you can imagine, staying home for two years while paying for a graduate degree hasn’t been real easy on our bank account, so while I have the opportunity to take my old job back, I’m going to give it a try at least for a few months to put a dent in student loans and see what happened from there. I’ve also been working 6-12 hours a week at the public library, but I’m not sure how that is going to work with my corporate job. I’d like to at least stay on to come in one or two Saturdays a month to keep current in the library field until I have my certificate and can apply for a School Library job.

Noelle- My little peanut. She is getting to be SO MUCH FUN. Truly, she learns something new every day and absolutely amazes me. Recently, she’s really grasping the concept of prepositions which blows my mind. Yesterday, we were at a Christmas party and there was a decoration of a Santa Claus climbing a ladder to hang Christmas lights, and she points at it excitedly and says, “Like Daddy does!” You probably have to be her mother to appreciate how exciting it is to hear her properly use a comparative adjective, but to me she is just brilliant. :)

Everything Else- Well, everything else has been pretty much neglected while I’ve been working nights, evenings and weekends and trying to be a half-decent mother, so I’m in scramble mode to catch-up with friends, family, social events, hobbies, dusting, vacuuming, holiday shopping... before I start working again. It’s definitely been a busy fall.

10. Parents- Donna & Gregg, married 37 years. They are wonderful. I wouldn’t have been able to student teach without their help with Noelle, and oh my how she loves her Oma and Opa. We’ll be spending Christmas with them this year and I’m excited to spend the holidays with my family again.

11.Closest friends- I have 6 best friends from all walks of life, my cousin, Amy, who I’ve known since birth, Lyndsay, who I met in1st grade, Lisa, my best friend in high school, Stephanie and Jennifer, my college friends, and Karen, my first officemate at IBM. Then of course, there are my LJ friends, who have supported me through wedding-planning, pregnancy, grad school, and pretty much everything for the past 5 years. My angels. I feel very blessed to have so many amazing girlfriends.

noelle, family, friends, graduation, meme, mlis

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