Thank you so much ladies for all of your encouragement during my most recent pity party. Your kind words really boueyed me and I'm choosing to be a little less judgemental of and more gentle with myself as I get through to graduation this December.
To balane all my negativity, here is a brief photo recap of what the Supers have been up to this fall in our few and far between moments of free time!
Noelle is going to be a football fan for sure. We are already brainwashing her to be both an avid supporter of the Steelers and the WVU Mountaineers.
Noelle loves playing with her friends. Here she is with Ella in their interpretation of 2 little monkeys jumping on the bed...
And with her friend Elise at the playground that Elise's mother and I used to play at when we were children.
Last weekend we were in West Virginia for the absolutely beautiful wedding ceremony of my college roommate, Dipa and her new hubby, Brian. They got married in the woods on a large flat rock overlooking the New River Gorge. Noelle loved playing with the sticks, stones, and leaves, running through the open meadows and getting grass stains all over her tights. Nothing like being a kid in the great outdoors!
This week we made it to our favorite local pumpkin patch, a budding family tradition. Check out this year's pictures versus last year's. I think they show the amazing tradition from pensive and immobile infant to wild, curious, full-of-personality toddler quite well!
And last but not least, Mama, Noelle and Pooh sporting our sunglasses.
Today we are off to another wedding in West Virginia. This will be the 6th weekend in a row that one of us or both of us are out of town for the weekend, and can I tell you how excited I am to have NOTHING planned for next weekend!!?? :)
Have a beautiful weekend, girls!