(no subject)

Mar 23, 2013 00:22

is there a goal of depth & profundity or to realize sameness/the eternal or is there a goal to stay present and silly, or to focus on a specialty? thoughts? are thoughts supposed to be? following your physical self, is it enwrapped in divinity or a complete waste, throw away? what is influence when it is intentional? brain-washing or ? once you ask, how can you be unconfused? just being. standing. everything else bounces off, goes through, or harmonizes. aweh. word. the importance of fe, but why say it. wink. sencillity, not a word. eager? enjoying. love. life. "it's all a pretext to find the love" said that guy in the casa verde colectivo esta tarde. reggae ska cumbia and comida hindu, sunrise, amaneciendo con gloria mistakenly.. beautiful afternoon.

drawing pictures. art, poetry, musica. same old millions of years. tantra indU. kabala. christo. methods? mechanisms? real life.... ? ehh ha ja ja ja

ha ha ha ja ja
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