(no subject)

Apr 26, 2007 10:50

This is national turn off your TV. week. Since I don't ever watch TV., I should turn off my computer. Or at least only use it for homework, like I am so NOT doing right now. But the whole point is to turn it off so you can spend more time with your family or play outside more. Well, I am home alone all the time, so I would probably just get depressed and I am not really an outdoors type of person. So here I am. back where I started.

I am going to loose 20 pounds and get a boyfriend before Vince and Tiffany’s wedding. I am determined. 20 pounds is only two pounds a week. If I can't do that, I would be pathetic. It doesn't even need to be a boyfriend, it needs to be a date. I'll hire one if I have to, but I am going to have one! I am not going to be the only twenty year old person there who is forced to sit by their grandparents the whole entire time because I have no one to dance with. I don't know, do they even dance at weddings? I've only been to one and I don't think I was even a teenager yet. What color do you wear? hmm...I will need to look into this. It is not until August, so I am probably freaking out a little to early.

I don't know if you guys remember Alex Hines, but he is now in my math class (well, I haven't seen him since the first week, so I am assuming he is in my math class) and today we had our first test and he totally cheated so hard core. what nerve! He got out his math book and started flipping through it and he was texting people asking them for answers. Pathetic. And it was an easy test too, except I forgot my notecard so I was kind of on my own. Why am I bringing this up? Because my life is pathetic and boring.

My car is doing better, but I know that $1000 repair figure is looming in the very near future. Why can't money be easier to earn and easier to keep? Something tells me that I need to stop worrying about it now, because I will be worrying about it enough when I am older. Or stop buying vanilla lattes twice a week (although, those have gotten to the point of I need them to stay awake and alert all day at school. These are past a point of enjoyment, these are now a requirement to waking up the morning and staying awake). And shoes. and purses. and $65 dollar jeans. hmm....

some douche is staring at me. I am going to kick him.

I have a field trip on Saturday. To the Dallas (butthole of Oregon). at 7:30 AM(!!). We are going rock hunting or some stupid shit like that. I am pissed. Weekends are special time, times that my bed and I spend bonding. A time that my body is healing and repairing, my skin is trying to look normal and not like I am a sunburned 15 year old (I have a FATTY pimple on my jawline, that is so gross. Why not just grow some hair there too? That would be great.).

Today is my bosses last day. I am going to take her flowers and will miss her a lot. Does anyone need a job? the bank is desperate for people! I actually don't think anyone reads this who isn't away at school...so if you know anyone who I wouldn't kill spending 8 hours in a confined space with, tell them to come apply. You get to handle thousands of dollars a day...it is fun! And get to help people who I can only think of one term that most closely describes how they smell- Like an asshole. That you grind out your cigarette butts in. and hasn't been washed in a while. a dirty, dank, ashy, gritty asshole. An asshole of tremendous proportions, one that hasn't seen or heard of modern day toilet paper, perhaps they use bark or leaves or maybe even none at all. This is an asshole of neglect, one whos owners just don't care anymore, don't even care enough to take it out on the back porch, right next to the car on cylinder blocks in the yard and hose it down every once and a while. Ahh...what a poor asshole. If this asshole didn't smell like a dying animal that the hair has been burned off of and has been soaked in rat pee, you would maybe even have a little sympathy for it. OR MAYBE NOT BECAUSE YOU, NOT THEMSELVES, HAVE TO SMELL THEIR STANK!

oh my god. this women just placed a phone call in the library. This is a first. I've seen jackasses answer phones, but never actually place a call. DIE. I actually asked a kid to get off his phone the other day (his third call, mind you) and he called me a bitch. Such is the life of a library phone Nazi.
Sweet Jesus, she placed another call. I hate people.

I will end this post on the brilliant thinking of Lindsay (who is coming home this weekend, yay! That is, if she isn't snatched up and eatin' by the Mormons) "Don't do homework- the Weasley twins never needed it so why would you?" Excellent.

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