Jan 09, 2005 19:58
Have You ever...
- Fallen for your best friend?: si senor
- Made out w/ JUST a friend?: si
- Been rejected?: si
- Been in love?: si
- Been in lust?: si
- Used someone?: nope
- Been used?: prolly
- Cheated on someone?: never
- Been cheated on?: si
- Been kissed?: si
- Done something you regret?: si
Who was the last person...
- You touched?: uhh dunno
- You talked to? phone, lauren, aim...lauren/missy
- You hugged? umm i don't remember :'( it's been so long
- You instant messaged? lauren
- You kissed?: don't remember that one either...i think it was roxy
- You yelled at? haha my brother
- You laughed with? lauren
- Who broke your heart? no one
Do you...
- Color your hair? never
- Have tattoos? heh not yet
- Piercings? nope
- Own a webcam? si senor...but sadly 'tis broken
- Ever get off the damn computer? haha no
- Sprechen sie deutsche? no
- Habla espanol? little
- Quack? si
Have you / are you...
- Stolen anything? ...i stole this computer...
- Smoke? nope
- Schizophrenic? si senor
- Obsessive? maybe
- Compulsive? maybe
- Obsessive compulsive? perhaps
- Panic? not really
- Anxiety? nah
- Depressed? nope
- Suicidal? never
- Obsessed with hate? no...
- Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore? lol yes
- Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? no
- If you could be anywhere, where would you want to be? california :)
- Who would you be with? anyone who wanted to come! we could have a party
- What would you be doing? walking
- What are you listening to? takin care of business - bto
- Can you do anything freakish with your body? ...maybe, you'll just have to find out for yourself ;)
- Chicken or fish? chicken
- Is ice cream the best thing in the world? si
A - Age- 14
B - Best Quality: eyes?
C - Choice Of Meat: bacon
D - Dream Date: dunno
E - Exciting Adventure: hahahaha dunno, but something fun
F - Favorite Food: candy
G - Greatest Accomplishment: i'm too much of a failure to have one
H - Happiest Day of Your Life: that day. where i was happy. you know the one
I - Interests: lots
K - Kool-Aid: is good
L - Love: umm it's good and all
M - Most Valued Thing I Own: ipod...or snowboard
N - Name: mike hansen
O - Outfit You Love: umm that outfit. you know
P - Pizza Toppings: bacon!
Q - Question Asked To You The Most: do you think there's any feast? i'm not kidding either...
S - Sport To Watch: baseball...only one i watch, and i even hate watching that
T - Television Show: something funny
U - Your Favorite Song: hahaha too many, i'm just gonna say rock me amadeus cause that's the song on now
W - Winter: love it
Y - Year Born: 1990
Z - Zodiac Sign: aries