Aug 01, 2005 19:55
i turn 18 in t-19 days and counting (not counting today cuz it sucked ass) i went and took my compass test for school today and it made me feel... very lost, like i've felt lost for awhile now but its really starting to kick me in the ass. i did alright in the reading and the writing but the math fucked me over, cuz I FUCKING HATE MATH i pretty much fell asleep during the math portion. the ass that i was dating previously is now ancient history and i officially cannot look at him without being disgusted. i used to think he was cool but he's not at all he's a very selfish, and very cold individual that as far as i'm concerned hardly qualifies as a human being he has no regard for anyone's feelings but his own, im not sad about it but as you can tell im extremely pissed at him and would enjoy it greatly if i could give him the worst ass kicking of his life. on to the next order of business. I MISS MY SEAN, i saw him briefly this summer and the fuckass was with me so i didnt get to see him for very long and he wasn't very happy with me it didn't seem like anyhow, he's in indiana right now and comes back in like 4 days so i hope that he calls me. i dunno everythings all fucked over and backwards to me right now.