The Rad Legacy: Thirty!

Nov 12, 2016 00:30

Welcome to the thirtieth chapter! I know, right. Thirty! How crazy!

Firstly, I'd like to apologise for disappearing for like, five months. I don't really have an excuse other than, you know, life - so work, summer sunshine, going back to uni, working hard at catch the drift. BUT! We're so close to the end of the legacy, that I just can't call it quits.

Last time, Gwen and Elsa took their kids down the Bluffs for a family day. There was hedge woohoo, diving, talk about Marina’s boyfriend, and naps on stone benches. That night, Marina went out for a coffee only to have Elsa check up on her. There were birthdays, and Heath became a teen, and a member of the club. Heath decided to breathe some new life into the club by mixing it up a little. He finished the update by talking to cute party goer Paolo Rocca.

Yeah, I don't even remember all of that happening. So there's an index here, if you like.

OH! And the last chapter ended in the generation 8 heir poll - the winner of which is Heath! Thanks for voting!

“What the heck is this thing?”

Let’s begin the update with something new!

I finally caved and bought Cool Kitchen Stuff. I’d been thinking about it for a while, and I finally gave in. I mean, who doesn’t like ice cream?

“I am a culinary goddess.”

Calm down, Gwen. It’s a vanilla cone with no sprinkles or garnish. And coincidentally, makes me think of walks on the seafront. There’s a certain place on the seafront in my hometown that sells vanilla cones really cheap, and you can’t beat it.
(although, since writing this update, we found a place that does coconut ice cream, and it's way better)

“Oh, so we bought an ice cream maker then?”

“I regret it already.”

“Hey, wasn’t this room a bit brighter?”

With Heath now a teenager, I figured it was time I moved him out of the kid’s room. So I converted Arrietty and Jairo’s old room for him.

Naturally, Gwen and Marina had to come and give their approval.

Later that day, Heath’s Goopy-like friend invited him out to a club in Windenburg.

“Oh man, I am so popular.”

No one tell him it’s one of the most mainstream clubs in my game. Literally all my sims go there.

“Come on, Heath! Dance with us!”

“But it’s so small and mainstream…”

“Come on Heath! Forget about it!”

“Alright…I have an idea…”

And so they all danced the same. Because might as well, right?

Plus I’ve never seen this before in game, and I had a great time watching. They look like some naff pop group! And I love it!

The club was a little fuller by the time the group had finished their routine. And who should show up but Paolo Rocca, who seems to gravitate to wherever a DJ is present.

“Hey Heath. Saw you dancing. Pretty cool moves.”

“You thought so?! I mean…yeah, no biggie.”

“Yeah, I’m sure. You’re the guy who threw the dance party, right? So you like dancing?”

“It’s pretty fun. Kind of a family tradition.”

The pair of them continued to talk until the club decided to call a day and head home. Heath hoped he’d see Paolo again, despite the fact Paolo was older. He was still cute, afterall.

“I see you’ve surrendered to the ice cream craze.”

“Yeah, but mine’s pistachio. It’s more progressive than vanilla.”

“I think you’re nuts.”

“Are you…making a joke?”

That night, the ghost of Jairo came out to play.

“Did you miss me?!”

I did. But not so much when you broke the toilet.

Jairo wasn’t the only ghost out - Kassidy also came for a visit. Although she wasn’t having a good time.

I don’t know what she expected to find in the bathroom, really.

“So Gwen, what’s new with you?”

It is nice having ghosts come back though, like they’re checking up on their loved ones. I really like the ghosts.

Breakfast was unconventional for Marina the next morning.

“You’ve given in to the ice cream, too, then?”

“Yeah…it looked really good. It’s pistachio, too.”

“Can I simstagram it? It’s got sprinkles and everything.”

“You’re a weird brother, but I love you all the same.”

Daylight arrived and so did Max Villareal, Marina's boyfriend.

“You want to start a new adventure?”

“What did you have in mind?”

Marina and Max moved to a little house I built (badly) in Newcrest.

I currently have the game set so no one but the played house ages, so they’ll be around for a while. But we’re so close to the end now, a while isn’t all that long.

That just leaves our heir home with his parents.

“Sweet! #winning.”

Gwen and Elsa have been giving the pool more use than it’s had in generations. I wish I knew why.

But at least they’re enjoying it, right? And finally getting their money’s worth, too.

“Why do you look so sad, Heath?”

“Your ice cream has a cherry. I want a cherry on MY ice cream, my followers will get bored of sprinkles.”

I mentioned that ice cream was a huge part of their lives now, right? I swear, I have so many pictures of them with ice cream now it’s unreal.

I mean, even the ghosts are eating the stuff!

“Back in my day, food never looked like this!”

Jasper’s also out, but he’s not enjoying new food. And unlike Lauren, he’s not breaking sinks and showers.

Hooray for helpful ghosts!

The following night, Heath and his friends took a trip to the cinema in Newcrest. I found it on the gallery, and it was too good not to.

Besides, Heath was looking for some new things to get up to!

“Hey Heath, are those my trousers?”

“I’m sorry?”

“This is so…awesome! Let me show you this site…I get loads of neat stuff from there!”

So Heath and Yuki bonded over their love of cropped trousers in fun colours, and maybe now she’ll stop looking so upset in the backgrounds of pictures when they all hang out.


Back at the house, and Gwen is catching up with her mother, Arrietty, who seems to have come out for a special occasion…

“Thanks for visiting me on my birthday, Mum!”

“How could I miss it?”

Yep, it’s time for Gwen and Elsa to age into elders!

It’s kind of sad, because I don’t feel like the elder stage is very long - my sims  seem to die quite quickly L

Gwen and Elsa don’t seem to mind being old, though.

They’re still incredibly cute together!

There was also another birthday that night, because these things never happen one at a time.

“Check me out, #birthdayboy.”

So our little heir is all grown up, and ready to carry on the legacy!

Are you as excited as I am? We’re so close to the end!

“Er, Erica, when you said let’s hang out tonight, I thought you meant, like, tonight.”

“What’s wrong with 8:30am?”

“Well nothing but…won’t the club be a little dead?”

Seriously, Erica rang Heath and asked if they could hang out ‘tonight’. I don’t think she understands that tonight is some time away.

And of course, they had ice cream.

Apparently Marina showed up too, and it was time for family dancing.

…no I’m not bored of this action yet.

Marina might be, though. She’s not as good at dancing as the others.

I mean, look at Heath and Erica. So vogue.

“Hi, I’m Heath!”

“Are you eating ice cream in a bar?!”

“Why are you so angry with me?”

Ah, the Bluffs at sundown.

A quiet, peaceful place, for laid back hang outs with friends, perhaps a dip in the pool, or -

*record scratch*


Or perhaps, the perfect place for Heath to throw a dance party, in the hopes that Paolo might show up, and to also continue the family tradition of partying hard.

It was a wild night. Even the ghost of Jairo woke up to attend.

But no Paolo, unfortunately, leaving Heath to nap on a cold stone bench, as per tradition.

Funnily enough, Paolo randomly showed up the next day.

“Hey Heath, heard I missed a majorly awesome party last night. I’m sorry, man!”

“No worries…hey, can I talk to you out back?”

The guys found a seldom used bench in the garden, and sat for a moment, enjoying the sunshine.

But Heath couldn’t sit still for much longer, and jumped to his feet. Paolo followed.

“So you know…you know that I like you…”

“I like you too, bro.”

“Not like that, I mean…listen, I’m going to do something…don’t hate me afterwards…”

Paolo hadn’t been expecting a kiss, but it certainly wasn’t the worst thing that could have happened when someone says ‘don’t hate me afterwards’.

“Dude, this is awesome!”

“It is?”

“Yeah! I finally found a cute guy to go on a date with!”

And where else to go on a date but the ancient ruins?

Well, of course I sent them there for the scenery. But you know. It's a pretty good dating location as well.

"So what do you think?"

"The ruins are pretty, but...not as pretty as you."

"Heath! You know, that makes me want to..."

"...drop and do twenty push-ups!"

Well, of course it does. That's certainly what I want to do when I hear romance. Totally normal.

Back at the house and...

...that's a massive pile of dirty dishes! This family is so messy!

Anyway, it was an important day for Heath, and he wanted to start off with a nice, nutrious breakfast.

Complete with brain freeze, and a cloud of green stink, apparently. All part of a healthy diet.

It was a big day of changes.

Firstly, Paolo moved in. For Heath, it made sense. To takeover as heir, you needed the right person by your side - and Heath was confident that that person was Paolo.

And heirship calls for other things, like babies.

Like the arrival of the ninth generation...

- - - - - -
That's all for this time!

It felt a little rushed to me towards the end, but that's all of the screenshots I have of Heath and Paolo getting together, which seems odd to me?

Regardless, I will see you next time for the arrival of generation nine! (NINE, can you believe?!)

sims 4, rad

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