The Rad Legacy: Twenty-Eight!

May 07, 2016 21:58

Hi guys! It’s been awhile, but I’m finally back to playing the Rad family! Why I put them down for a few months is beyond me, especially as I’m so close to the end!

So last time, Erica made the most of her teen years by hanging out at the ruins, and even letting her niece, Marina, tag along occasionally. Arrietty managed to get abducted by aliens, whilst her father who dedicated his life to aliens came out to haunt about it. Marina befriended Max, another kid in the ‘hood, and the pair of them ended up going clubbing despite being seriously underage. Gwen went into labour, while Elsa panicked about it, and we ended up with BOY! Little Heath Rad. Erica decided she was done trying to woo Wolfgang Munch, and partied on her own because she’s awesome like that. Marina and Heath also had birthdays.

Phew, a lot happened last time! If you need any of the previous updates, here’s an index!

We start with the Rad family house, because I don’t think I’ve shown you it properly, not for a while, anyway.

Unlike Sims 2, where I extend and add on to the house as and when I need to, I’ve found the Sims 4 building system a little clunky to try and alter. Everything is a “room” and it’s incredibly frustrating to alter them.

That might just be because I took a break from Sims 4, but I don’t know.

As you can see, the house can be a little cramped in places but it’s pretty functional. I did add a second bathroom after taking these pictures, though.

Anyway, let’s get back to the Rads themselves. You all remember Erica, generation 7 spare who stole the limelight in the last update?

Well, she’s now about to leave her teen years behind!

Gwen and Elsa are also having a birthday, but they’re just becoming adults and not much will change for them.

Unfortunately, life has a funny way of celebrating birthdays.

“Oof, I’m just going to take it easy for a moment…”


“Don’t talk to me.”


“I feel tired…where’s Jairo, I want Jairo.”


“It’s a triple birthday, and you’re ruining it!”


“Worst birthday ever.”

After that, Erica moved out so that Marina could have her own room. It also means Erica will stop aging, and continue to show up in the background for the last couple of generations.

So that’s that, generation six are gone.

Arrietty and Jairo were a great couple and I had a lot of fun playing them.


Death hanging around after his job is done never fails to amuse me. Even when no one talks to him, he’ll sometimes stay for hours!

The next morning, and everyone is still sad about Arrietty and Jairo.

“I’m sad because I’ve run out of cake.”

Contrary to his claims, Heath is as upset about his grandparents as you’d expect.

And the unicorn, which is apparently (and creatively) named Uni, took most of the aggression Heath had about it all.

“It’s YOUR fault they’re gone, Uni!”

He then had a random five minutes of smiling.

I think we might need to get Heath some grief counselling.

Marina had different ways of coping. A new teenager, she was now too old for the childhood club she was part of, and joined the teen one Erica spent most of her teen years with.

“What. How did you all get in here?!”

“You joined the club! We had to come check out if you were cool!”

Max Villareal, the rebellious kid Marina hung out with as a child, had also grown up and joined the club.

His dance moves haven’t matured with him, though.

"Huh. He grew up well."

Marina’s had a weeny bit of a makeover since the last update, and I started noticing little differences between her and Gwen. There’s not much of male!Elsa in there, but definitely some.

“Hey, ghost great-great grandma, do you think I’ll be this popular as a teen?”

“Probably - it’s tradition. This family seems to have a thing about tradition.”

“Neat! I’m gonna be popular!”

The teenagers cleared out around dawn, leaving Marina to cook breakfast for her family.

Apparently paying attention to your scrambled eggs isn’t part of the recipe.

“OH! What did I do wrong?!”

“Um…you guys like seasoning on your eggs, right?”

Yeah, if Marina’s cooking, you should probably avoid the food. It’s clearly not her strong point.

Hours passed, and so did school.

Heath found it a little rough, and I realised I’m slightly out of practise with Sims 4 - I don’t remember the last time I had a pass out before this!

That night, I decided to get Gwen out of the house. She had a ‘bored’ moodlet from not being in any clubs, so why not try to fix it?

Apparently, grieving your lost parents isn’t a good mood setter for clubbing.

“I’m miserable.”

The club wouldn’t let her join. I guess I picked a bad night for her to try, really. Maybe after she’s done mourning.

“I’ll be happy enough for EVERYONE!”

The DJ seemed to have it going on though. I love those helmets!

Gwen was home before midnight, but a different party was starting elsewhere in Windenburg…

Marina’s first dance party!

Again with the family tradition - I enjoyed playing Erica out at the ruins so much, and I was pretty sure Marina would want to follow in her footsteps after the slightly rebellious childhood she had had.

She’d been feeling pretty down in the dumps until she spied Max.

“Hey! You made it!”

“Of course! I’m not missing your first ruins party!”

They ended up not dancing, which kind of defeats the point of a dance party.

“Y’know, Max, we’re probably not as hard core as we think we are.”

“You’re joking me, right?”

“I am WAY hard core. A total rebel!”

“Well, it is ridiculously late. On a school night.”

“See, we’re out of line now!”

The pair of them laughed.

“ALRIGHT! We made it ‘til dawn! I’ve been DJing for 12 hours straight, and it’s time for me to call it quits! PEACE OUT!”

That DJ was the same one at the bar with Gwen. That’s some stamina!

With the party over, Marina’s sadness over her grandparents had faded. A new day, a new perspective, right?

“Thanks for coming, Max. I had a great night.”

“Me too. Let’s do it again some time.”

Marina hugged him, thrilled to the core that she was able to do so. Butterflies filled her stomach.

It looked like she was developing a crush on Max Villareal.

Apparently going home to your bed isn’t the way to follow-up a rave, but napping on a stone bench is.

Ah, young love, right? Makes you do all sorts of crazy things.

Back home, and word of Marina’s antics had reached her mother.

“You’re skipping school today, and were out at the ruins all night?!”

“Mum, relax. You and Mama used to cut school all the time.”

“Not ALL the time.”

“Skipping school is only okay once or twice,” Gwen decided, “Don’t make it a habit.”

“I won’t. Besides, it’s family tradition to cut at least once. You, Mama, Aunt Mia and Erica all cut school.”

“Wow, we’re really not an academic family, are we?”

I guess it would be hypocritical to tell Marina off. No one’s had perfect attendance, or high grades, for generations!

Another evening came, and this time it was a Friday so school the following day wasn’t an issue.

Max had invited her out to a club in Windenburg, one they’d never been to before.

“It’s a bit quiet. Not much louder than that one in Willow Creek.”

“Yeah, but it’s still early. Give it time.”

Max and Marina found a quiet spot off the dancefloor to chat, Marina’s stomach filling itself up with butterflies again.

“So it was really cool of you to invite me out tonight, Max.”

“Hey, no worries, we’re best friends!”

“I was wondering…if we could be more…than just best friends.”

Everything went better than Marina had expected it to, and her love story echoed that of her parents - childhood friends turned into romance.

Everything was perfect.

“Marina, will you be my girlfriend?”

“Of course.”

It all happened quite quickly, but they were both excited about it. As am I, they’re so cute together.

Oh, and male!Elsa made an appearance at the club.

His dance face is hilarious, and absolutely terrifying.

Erica was also out. Because, y’know, clubs are partying are her thing.

I told you she’d show up in the backgrounds!

Max had disappeared home for the evening, leaving Marina with a plate of fish and chips, and a whole lot of things to reflect on.

She was pretty happy with the way the evening had gone.

Back at the house, we find Heath using social media.


Upstairs, Elsa and Gwen were having dinner together.

“So she’s been skipping school, and no doubt there’s romance involved…”

“Well, Gwen, I don’t know what you want me to tell you.”

“We were exactly the same, Gwen.”

“I know. I don’t feel like I can tell her off with a straight face.”

“We might not have to. She might not make a habit out of it.”

“I think once or twice is fine, Gwen. We used to spend ages down the Bluffs, remember?”

“You know what? We should take the kids to the Bluffs. Show them where we fell in love.”

“I really like that idea, Gwen.”

"I really like you."

That’s all for this time! Hope you enjoyed it. :)

See you soon!

sims 4, rad

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