The Rad Legacy: Twenty-Seven!

Mar 07, 2016 17:03

Wow, it’s been a little while since I updated. I kind of got addicted to playing TS2 and then life got crazy so I threw this on the back burner. This legacy turned a year old in the time I wasn’t paying attention to it, too.

Last time, Mia and Erica tried to make friends, while Gwen showed off how perfect her life with Elsa is. Gwen went into labour and delivered ANOTHER girl, Marina Rad. Erica grew into a teen, whilst Arrietty and Jairo grew into elders. Marina grew into a child. Gwen headed off to Windenburg to meet up with male!Elsa and get knocked up again. Oh, and Marina got to know the most rebellious-looking kid in the park, Max.

All caught up? If not, have a look at the index!

So now Arrietty's an elder, time is really running out to complete that aspiration. She's only got a tiny handful of statues to go before she completes the collection of MySims statues.

Doesn't she look determined?

Because watching Arrietty dig isn't all that entertaining, I started playing with Erica - Gwen's youngest sister. She transitioned in the last chapter, which meant it was time for her to join the teenage club I formed for her older siblings awhile back.

I'm not sure Erica's entirely comforable with the way that guy in front of her is dancing!

"Dude! Whoever decided to hang out at the ruins is a legend!"

"Did you really use the word 'legend'? Honestly?"

By the end of the night, Erica left exhausted but happy.

Back at the house-

"I'm generation eight, Uni, why isn't anyone paying attention to ME?"

- we find Marina, the only current member of generation eight, talking to stuffed toys. I guess that's what happens when you're stuck at home with your parents and grandparents.

"Grandaddy, why are you blue?"

"I'm an alien! Moved here from planet Sixam back in the day on a research programme, but I fell in love with your grandmother."

"Is that all true?"

"Well. The alien part, and the love part is. I've never been to Sixam. Shh, it's a secret."

Look at Arrietty's (incomplete) collection! I really like the way it brightens up the living room.

I think she only needs four or five now. Pleeeease let her find them!

"So I was thinking, you know you're the coolest aunty eveeer..."

"What do you want?"

"Let me go on one of your super cool teenage hang outs!"

"No way!"

"I'll trade you a secret about Grandaddy!"


"Erica, dude, you brought a kid with you?!"

"I had to! She's my niece! Listen, she'll be no trouble. Look, she's already asleep on a bench! It'll be fine!"

Marina really did come out with Erica just to nap on a bench.

Way to miss out on all the fun, kid!

When she did wake up and try to join the fun, Wolfgang Munch decided to make her cry.

I've heard he's a bit of an ass-hat in other people's games, so I wasn't all that surprised but even so. Dude, she's a child!

Side note, look how pretty this game is!

How many times have I been distracted by the prettiness now? And we still have two generations to go!

Back at the house, and a mysterious vehicle has pulled up in the sky...

My first EVER abduction!

"Why are you taking me? I MARRIED an alien!"

There was no one they could take that would end in a pregnancy, so I feel slightly cheated, but at the same time - first abduction! :D

The hilarious part was when Jasper's ghost came out to haunt after Arrietty had been taken.

"I wanted to be abducted by aliens. No fair!"

"This yoghurt is so spicy!"

"My scrambled eggs, too!"

Wow. And I thought I was weak when it came to spicy food!

After a balanced and apparently spicy breakfast, it was time to head to the ruins again!

"Do you take requests?"

"Sure, brah! What's your poison?"

"Can you play #@#!=£#? A classic on my home planet!"

Erica decided to have a dance party at the ruins, because how cool is that? Only it was the middle of the day - I'm sure potentially illegal raves happen a night.

Not that I've ever been to one to pass that judgement.

Apparently peeing in the wild is hard, and Erica ends up looking like she's been sleeping in a junk yard for about a week.

"This sucks. I don't feel much like raving anymore."

Before she'd had time to clean up after the dance party, Wolfgang invited Erica out to a 'club' in Willow Creek.

I say club, because that's what the game calls it, but it looks more like the depressing local pub in a small town.

They spent the entirety of their time together napping.

Kind of sweet, really.

"I'm so uncomfortably pregnant, and no one has noticed."

"I noticed."

With so much going on with Erica for me to look at, I generally took no pictures of Gwen - you know, my heiress? I really should get better at that.

So the tiny rebel, Max, that Marina met at the end of the last update invited her to hang out - at the same 'club' Erica and Wolfgang went to.

What?! They're like, ten?!

"Max, are you sure we should be here? Shouldn't we like, go to the park or something?"

"You're not chickening out on me, are you?"


"Come on then, let's go inside!"

Apparently the club hasn't hired a bouncer, because the kids were able to get in with no problems.

"Wow, look at this nerd dance!"

"I know, right? Thanks for inviting me out, Max."

"Pfft, don't thank me."

Meanwhile, Gwen and Elsa had just arrived at the hospital.

"Oh no, what do we do? What do we do?!"

"Elsa, I'm the one in labour, why are you the one freaking out?"

"What do we do?!"

"I should've left you at home."

"Good luck with the labour, I'm going to pass out on that sofa over there."

"What? Elsa?!"

I suppose the best way to support your spouse is by being nowhere near the delivery suite?

I found it funny, though.

Gwen, what are you doing?!

"I saw something shiny, and I must have it!"

"Hello? Anyone? Someone take this baby out of me!"

Gwen wandered the hospital for what felt like hours. I was beginning to think about giving up and going home.

"Good evening, Mrs Rad, how has your day been so far?"

"Awful! Get the goddamn baby out! PLEASE!"

"Sheesh, okay. Give me a minute."

Shortly after that, a little boy arrived! Yes, a BOY!

This is Heath Rad.

"Oh Heath. Mummy loves you and all, but I am never doing that again."

Amen. That's enough for one generation, I feel. What a nightmare!

"Hello little one, I'm your other mother!"

Luckily, Elsa's nap ended just in time to meet Heath. Go figure, right?

The next day, Wolfgang asked to meet up with Erica again. She tried a couple of romantic interactions, all of which fell a bit flat.

"I don't get it, Wolfgang. You keep asking me out, but then turning me down. What's your problem?"

"I'm just a bit mixed up, baby. I'll be into you tomorrow, I promise."

"Who cares? I'm done!"

Erica then spent the afternoon dancing on her own, because she's awesome like that.

And I'm okay with her not pursuing Wolfgang - he couldn't make his mind up, and that's not worth waiting for.

Back at the house, Marina's meeting Heath for the first time.

"I don't like him."

It wasn't long before Heath had his birthday, and isn't he a cutie?

I think he might also be a different shade of blue to his mother, but I'm not sure.

He got the Whiz Kid aspiration, and the Insider trait.

Childhood in my legacy always seems to begin with joining the League of Adventurers.

And for some reason, this always happens at night. All of these kids are tiny rebels, not just Marina and Max!

I think Max and Marina might be the most rebellious. Look at those grins!

"Are we going to cause all kinds of mischief as teens?"

"You bet."

Speaking of teens, apparently the park was the place to be that night.

"Ugh, why are there like, kids everywhere."

"Well, we are at the playpark!"

Fun fact, that girl in pink is Elsa's sister. I think she was originally older than Elsa, too.

The next evening, it's time for the Rad family's tiny rebel to grow up.

"Who burnt my cake?"

Probably your grandfather.

She looks an awful lot like Gwen to me. If there's any of Elsa (male!Elsa) in there, I can't see it.

Marina got the Painter Extraordinaire aspiration, and the Materialistic trait to go to with her childhood trait of Lazy. I've not played a materialistic sim yet, so this should be interesting!


That's all I have for this time!

See you soon!

sims 4, rad

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