From London With Love: An ISBI - Gen 1, Part 4!

Oct 17, 2014 23:28

I've actually had these pictures for awhile, I just had work to do before I could update. But I finished my essay today and made a good start on my revision notes, so you get an update! Hooray!

Last time, Cohen and his father Tyson kept breaking things in the house, and then Dominic was born into the family! Hooray! He became a child at the end of the last update, which pretty much brings us up to now...

Let's get started!

"I made a bunny. I'm great."

Dominic is much better with the lump of clay than his brother. But you knew that. I guess I just like how cute he is with his bunny.

"I JUST made yoghurt. Why are you eating grilled cheese?"

"I'd rather eat week-old food from the fridge than fresh stuff from the counter!"

This is true. Is it a glitch or something? No one but Milah eats freshly made food, and I find that odd.

Despite the fact he eats grilled cheese like his father, Dominic seems to be more of a Mummy's Boy, and the pair of them spent quite a bit of time just reading on the same sofa.

Also Milah's hand glitched so she was permanently holding a screwdriver. Probably necessary with the amount of stuff her boys break.

"Cleaning is fun! Why don't you help me with the cleaning, Cohen?"

"Not now, Dom, I'm trying to make a bunny."

Cohen was unsuccessful in making a bunny.

"I see you didn't manage a bunny."

"Shut up, dork. I'm the oldest, so therefore I'm the favourite."

"Yeah? Keep telling yourself that."

"I'm more fabulous than you."

"Oh really? Have you SEEN me? I'm great!"

"You have a bunny on your shirt."

"You're just angry because you can't make a stupid clay bunny!"

"You're a stupid clay bunny!"

For some reason, they gained relationship points for this odd little argument thing they had going on.

"I'm so angry I'm going to crash this car into the fridge!"

I have no idea why Cohen decided to play there after his argument with Dom. The kids never seem to play in normal places, but whatever.

"Playing with a toy car? That won't help you get better with clay."

"Who says I want to?"

"Who says I'm not perfect the way I am!"

"I'd love to stay and continue posing at each other, but I'm suddenly feeling energised!"



"Shut up."

Maybe the boys both take after their father, but in different ways.

The next morning, Dom was far more interested in agreeing with his brother, who was too uncomfortable to care, really.

"Wow this car IS great! I see why you prefer this to clay!"

"This yoghurt is not grilled cheese. That makes me sad."

I thought the cuddly toys were too big, but apparently kids can socialise with them. Cohen really likes the weird sleeping-dinosaur thing.

"I'd rather hug you than bathe!"

Milah needed more friends for work so she invited all of them that she could over. Apparently Sad Cowboy can no longer be invited over? I guess she didn't keep in touch enough so he's gone completely? Who knows.

Either way it meant an excessive amount of grilled cheese for Cohen to help himself to.

Milah and Tyson still love each other a lot, even if they don't look like it. Apparently autonomous romantic interactions don't happen that often. Maybe it's related to emotions or something, I don't know.

Maybe I'm spoiled because I had ACR for romance until now.

Things that are trendy in this family: Sleeping on the covers rather than under them.

I rarely see them sleep properly. Naps are more popular.

Here's a random shot of Milah when she's actually happy and not running around after her family. She doesn't get much attention now that Cohen and Dom are old enough to do things.

I still think she's great.

Another night, another party. This one is in honour of Tyson's birthday - apparently he's older than I thought he was, he's about to become an elder.

And naturally, all of Milah's friends are invited. Which meant the house was full of women.


"Um. I'm not comfortable standing next to her, anyone wanna switch places with me?"

I wonder if that woman with the food has the food-related trait I don't remember the name of.

Tyson grew up in the middle of the crowd so I couldn't get a good picture.


Here's a fun fact: clothes don't change after adult-to-elder transitions. Tyson was still dressed like a young man for quite awhile - it took me some time to get round to changing it.

"When I grow up, I want all of my friends to be robots, so we can have robot parties instead of stupid lady parties."

"Cohen, I want to go to sleep. Will you shut up for five minutes?"

"I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome MY toys are."

"My toys really are awesome."

I do think TS4 kids get a lot more choice than any of my previous sim kids! Little things like cars and action figures make me smile.

Soon enough, it's time for teenagers. Doesn't Milah look the most excited?

I don't know why. Maybe Cohen will break less things now he's older? Judging by his father's antics, I'm not predicting that.

Well, now I understand why no one can tell the difference between teens, young adults & adults. He's the same height as Milah, and he doesn't look like a teen.

Maybe it's the severity of that hair cut. He could belong to the Grunt family from TS2!

Well, he turned out different to how I expected. I was expecting a narrower jaw, though. I cannot tell what he's taken from each parent.

"Now that I'm big and tall and good-looking, I have better things to do than tease you, Dom."

"I remember it as me teasing you."

"Shut up, Dom!"

Despite everything, the boys do actually like each other. Which surprised me as much as it surprises you.

This feels like a good stopping point. See ya next time!

sims 4, isbi

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