Something Sims Related

Sep 21, 2014 15:13

I finally opened TS2 today for the first time in ages. But instead of working on anything "important", I remodelled a house from the lot bin and stuffed the Goodie family (the elderly sim bin couple) in there with the Newsons (the sim bin family that is just kids).

I also added some of the other sim bin families to the 'hood, and then my brain sort of exploded into the stories I could tell about this sims. Well, I'm not going to tell them in great depth or anything, so here's a little snippet from two of the families in the 'hood. Enjoy!

Cyd Roseland & Julian Cooke

"Julian, where's your half of the rent?" Cyd asked, exasperated. This was not the first time he had this conversation this month, and the times he'd had to ask for the rent since moving Julian in as his roommate were uncountable.

"The rent's not due until Tuesday," Julian answered, distractedly. He was watching some terrible reality TV show, swallowing down beer despite the fact it was only noon.

"I know," Cyd replied, "I'm talking about last month's rent. You know, the one I covered for you because you said 'I will definitely pay you back, Cyd'?"

"Oh, that," Julian shrugged, "I'm sorry."

Cyd scowled, "That's all you have to say? A lame apology?"

Julian finally looked up from the television screen at his roommate, "I don't have the money. There is no point me lying to you, is there?"

"Do you have the money for Tuesday?" Cyd held his breath. He knew the answer, so why had he asked?

Julian shrugged a little and set his bottle down, "No but I can get it."

"Please don't ask Priya for anymore loans. It's bad enough that you're sneaking around with a married woman, let alone using her cash to pay your bills."

"Well then how do you expect me to pay it?"

Cyd threw his hands up in the air, "You know what, Julian? I'm done. You have a week to get out, and then I never want to hear from you again."

Julian rose to his feet, wide-eyed, "Cyd, you're not serious, are you?"

"Deadly serious," Cyd told him, in a cold voice, "Either you pull your weight or you get out. I'm done."

* * *

The Goodies & The Newsons

"And this will be your room," Faith Goodie said, with a smile, "I'm sorry it's not as...nice as the others, but you see, we haven't changed it since our son left."

Ginger hesitated a little, but eventually gave in to her curiosity, "You have a son?"

"Yes, Alfred. Well, he prefers Alfie. He's about your age, actually," Faith smiled to herself, "He...he ran away. About three months ago. We keep hoping he'll come back, but..."

"I'm sorry." Ginger said, automatically. That was what you told people who had experienced troubles, right? Ginger's cheeks flushed a little. She had little experience with people outside of the foster home she'd lived in with her siblings.

"It's fine," Faith replied, brightly, "I'm sure he'll be back one day. But for now, you can have his room. Decorate with posters, move the furniture, do whatever you like!"

"What if he comes back?" Ginger asked in a small voice. It had happened before - the Newson siblings had been sent back to the home when couples had their own kids. Who was to say it wouldn't happen again?

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it," Faith answered, firmly, and gave Ginger one last smile, "Make yourself at home."

* * *

There's a lot more ideas running around in my head. Maybe I'll use some of the Myshuno! prompts for them, I don't know. I just thought it would be interesting to share what I got up to when I finally got back to the sims :)

Hope you're all having a good weekend!

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