An Old Neighbourhood

Apr 10, 2014 15:12

I was going through my storage folders, and stumbled across a neighbourhood I haven't played for AGES. I didn't even realise I'd stored it, so I was pretty excited to find it - it's a legacy I played just for fun last April. I must have stored it when I got bored. So I opened up the story-telling folder to see what I had to share...

(Also, it appears the number of Americans here is trying to influence my spelling - I nearly forgot to put the 'u' in neighbourhood!)

This is Alesha MacLeod, the founder. Her names were randomised, her appearance was catch the drift. Everything about Alesha was left up to fate.

She's a Fortune sim, with a LTW to top Business, which she did. She also has a personality of 7/4/1/8/5

She married Alan King, an elderly vacation townie whose personality I did not note down because he died pretty early on. I'm guessing Alesha met Alan through the Matchmaker, otherwise I have no idea how this romance happened.

Anyway, Alesha and Alan had two children, two daughters:

The oldest is Lennie, and this is not a very flattering picture of her. Her name was also randomised - all of the names are. Lennie became heiress.

She's a Romance sim with a LTW of becoming a Hall of Famer (which she achieved), and a personality of 7/4/1/8/8

The youngest was Floretta, a rather uninteresting sim - based on playing them now. I can't remember if she was interesting when I last played them. At the minute, she probably just lives with them as an extra carer for the kids.

Floretta is a Knowledge sim, with a LTW of becoming a Mad Scientist (work in progress). She has a personality of 6/4/1/8/10 - and yet I have never seen her give a freakishly nice smile. Odd!

Anyway, Lennie was named heiress, and had the task of producing the next generation:

Well, Lennie didn't want to settle down, and I wasn't about to make her. So she spawned a couple of kids with her teenage sweetheart, Alvin Futa. And maybe she'll have some more, we'll see!

I don't intend to marry Lennie to Alvin - though I do plan on ageing Alvin alongside Lennie, just so he's not running around when his kid's kids are parents and whatever.

Anyway, the children:

Their oldest child was a girl, Charity. So far, I can tell she has her mother's mouth and her father's nose, which should make for some interesting genetics as they age.

I really need to check her recessives - someone must be carrying Alesha's red hair!

Charity has a personality of 9/10/10/3/1, which makes her tons of fun.

And then there's Sergai, the first boy to be born into the challenge. He's a cutie, and so far, looks a lot different to anyone born before - I think that's his father's nose and mouth, plus his mother's eyes. But we'll see.

Sergai has a personality of 9/2/10/8/6

I still haven't chosen an heir. And with the potential for more kids, I'll probably wait until they're teenagers before I decide.

So that covers everyone living in the house - it's estrogen filled at the moment!

Anyway, I realised none of the in-game pictures I had from when I last played the 'hood showed off what the house looked like, so I screen-capped some:

I'm aware the house needs some serious work. It looks okay from the front, but we've got junk outside, and rotting papers etc. etc.

The inside's not much better...

I'm going to make some changes to it, because I was building it as I went along, and it's all cooped up - I'd much rather have an open-plan house.

Starting at the top-left corner, you have Lennie's room, though she uses her mother's room (bottom-left) when her ACR timer goes off. Which is a little gross, I don't know why I didn't fix that when I *used* to play the 'hood.

Top-right is Charity's room, but I no longer like the way it's decorated. So that will be redone. I'm pretty sure it was Lennie's old room as well. Middle-right is Floretta's room, still decorated the same as when she was a kid. Probably should fix that. Plus I need to put a room in for Sergai, when he grows up.

So yeah, the whole lot needs altering. It's not a terrible house, it just needs work. There's also a graveyard outside (which so far only contains Alan's grave) and a driveway because someone (*cough* Lennie *cough*) rolled a want for a car.

That's all the pictures I have. Here's the family tree:

Can you tell I drew it in paint :P

Hope you liked this little peek into something I HAVEN'T shared...I'm ill at the minute, and dosed up on cold + flu capsules, so I'm  going to go back to playing it. It's easy to play something that doesn't really matter to anyone but me.

I'll probably spam you all again with it at some point. :)

macleod, other sims

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