A Couple Of Things

Sep 05, 2013 12:49

I wanted some input on an idea I've been thinking about, and then you get some small updates and what's going on in my ISBI at the minute. I plan to update properly within the next week or so, but I'm having a ton of fun just playing it at the minute.

1) I really want to join in Myshuno! this year. But I'd want to write my prompts about my ISBI sims.

And while I know that prompt-writing for plotless stories is possible, and can work quite well, my ISBI is still quite a new story. What do you think? Should I give it a go anyway?

and 2) An ISBI catch-up

Eira grew up, and she's freaking adorable. I still think that's the "gorilla face", but she's cute and I love it. It's also now occurred to me that Eira is going to be a fair bit older than her generation - as Sour & Patch are still in uni, and Hari's only a teen.

Eventually, I plan to give Eira some siblings - but I want them to be a little closer to their cousins in age, so I'm holding off on more adoptions.
Mainline-wise, Sour has secured herself a partner and slipped an engagement ring on his finger. I am so excited to introduce him - and VERY excited for the babies!

Also, Tamara would like everyone to know that the new trampoline is, in fact, just as addictive as the exercise bike. Just not quite so deadly. Or at least, not quite so deadly yet. Fingers crossed it remains that way!


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