The Summers ISBI: Gen 1, Part 2

Mar 10, 2013 20:35

I promise I'll stop filling your f-lists with things at some point in the near future!
But I have another update to throw at you all first.

Last time, Muriel Summers dated a wannabe-gangster, before eventually choosing an aging indiana-jones-wannabe instead. Turns out he already had two kids, and they came to live with Muriel as well.

So, we'll pick up right where we left off - Phoenix Prudence had just moved in, with his two children, Parker and Pansy. And he'd just married Muriel.

The teenagers don't do much more than eat and play video games, which is fair enough. That's what teenagers do best, right? I mean, I haven't been a teenager for a month now, and I still just eat and play video games ; )

However, these teenagers are also good at accidentally breaking things. Things that are infuriating to have to fix all the time.

Seriously, we only have one toilet, stop breaking it!

And then suddenly, Spooky Day was upon us and everyone was in costume.

This guy is way too happy to pull off his joker costume.

I absolutely love throwing costume parties!

It's also the only time of the sim year that you'll find mermaids playing guitar.

Speaking of that guitar...

It's possibly the only reason why Phoenix never does anything. He'd rather jam all day.

Nevermind the fact his wife is pregnant and could use some help around the house or whatever.

I can't wait to meet the little one!

Muriel: How DARE you set booby traps in MY house!

Pansy is constantly being told off by Muriel. At first, I couldn't work out why, but after following her around for a bit, it turns out that Pansy is on the rebellious side at the minute...

And she does this all the time. If she's not in school, she's booby-trapping things around the house.

Her brother is much better behaved.

Though he cries a lot and I can't work out why.

Oh, I was right. Phoenix IS a lot older than Muriel...

Well, he's still fertile. I am okay with this.

There's something about this picture you can't see from looking at it - I got the pop-up that the baby was on its way, and sent Muriel to have it at the hospital.

For some mad reason, the woman decided to cycle. While in labour.

My mind can't even comprehend that.

Anyway, we ended up with a little girl! Meet Flora, everyone.

She's insane, and excitable - I can't remember, but I think the rules said all the kids had to be insane, but I rolled the other trait.

Parker: That's not right, sis'.

I don't think Pansy likes Flora, for some reason.

Also, the window frame appears to have acknowledged the gender of the newborn.

Meanwhile, Muriel and Phoenix get started on the next one. I mentioned in the last chapter I was rolling the number of kids on a D8, and Muriel rolled a 5.

Better get to work if we're going to get 5 kids out of Phoenix!

Muriel: We were sleeping! How dare you wake us up with your screaming!

Flora: I suddenly don't need anything and I'm going to stop crying.

It turned out Flora just needed a hug and some attention, and then everyone could go back to bed.

The next day turned out to be Parker's birthday, which is fine - this makes room for more kids!

Parker: I'm freeeee! Later, losers!

I'm hoping story progression does something with him. Though it hasn't done much with any of my sims in other 'hoods.

Muriel: You stole candy from my baby and now you're showering it with love? I'm not happy!

I have a feeling that Muriel really doesn't like Pansy. Or failing that, she was just woken up by Flora again.

Flora's birthday rolled around pretty quickly anyway, which is exciting! I can't wait to see what she looks like!

She's adorable!

I'm not very good at telling where genetics came from in TS3. Not until she gets older, anyway.

But I can tell you that's not Phoenix's nose. It's nowhere near hooked enough.

Pansy definitely has taken a shine to her half-sister. It makes me wonder if Pansy would have kids and such when she's all grown up.

Muriel: This labour stuff is easy. I think I'll ride my bike to the hospital again.

Honestly, I have no idea. She doesn't seem that bothered by pregnancy at all.

Oh, twins! That was a surprise!

The green one in Phoenix's arms is Henry, and Muriel is holding Hazel.

I ran out of room for cribs, so when the pop-up "it's ALMOST Flora's birthday! Why not throw a party?" I broke out the cake. There's a spare bed for Flora, but no room for cribs.

Maybe someone should invent bunk-bed style cribs ; )

Now I can tell that those are Phoenix's eyebrows. And his eye shape.

I still think that's Muriel's nose, though.

Anyway, Muriel and Phoenix move onto making their baby.

Hopefully one of them gets a promotion at work - then we can build a nursery! More cribs!

Also, the night after her formal dance - which was fairly uneventful - Pansy grew up and moved out. Still wearing her bee-keeper hat.

Maybe I should have fixed that before she left.

Muriel: I feel sick! Why do I have to be pregnant again?

We've got three kids, we're nearly there.

You know, it'll be interesting later on, for example, if a sim with the dislikes children trait rolls a high amount of kids.

Flora: I'm the Queen of this ISBI and everyone must do as I say!

I love this feature of generations! And I love that skirt Flora is wearing as she rules the kingdom. It's pretty!

The arrival of winter and Snowflake Day means it's time for a gift giving party!

Only I'd forgotten how much space they take up.

Out of all the members of the Summers family, Flora was the only one who opened any presents - the others couldn't find places to sit, gave up and wandered off.

Flora got a couple of cuddly bears and a garden gnome.

Also, the twins were stressful and demanding as babies. That's why there's not a lot of pictures. Basically, they took it in turns to scream.

Hopefully we won't have to deal with twins for awhile!

Anyway, the twins eventually grew into toddlers...

Hazel looks so much like Phoenix! I really don't know if there's any of Muriel in Hazel.

There is definitely some of Muriel in Henry, though. And I'm guessing those are Phoenix's eyebrows, again.

I really like Henry, actually. Flora and him are probably my favourites.

Speaking of Flora, the Queen lives off cake. Mostly because there's tons of it stored in the fridge, but still.

Seems very queen-like of her to eat cake constantly.

When Muriel went into hospital to give birth again, I noticed someone had built an igloo outside.

Am I the only one who thinks that's an odd place to build an igloo?

Oh boy, we got twins again. We can't afford twins! I only have three cribs!

Anyway, we have twin girls - Amy & Alexia.

And because two sets of twins is a nightmare, we've reached Hazel and Henry's birthday super quickly. My bad.

Henry naturally hides from his birthday in the toy box, with an adorable toy sheep.

Uh oh, looks like we have another contender for the kingdom! Hazel immediately started playing as a queen once she'd grown up.

Henry just seemed unimpressed by his twin's antics.

I just realised I'd forgotten to list everyone's traits:

Flora - Insane, excitable, mooch
Hazel - Insane, absent-minded, eccentric
Henry - Insane, hydrophobic, evil
Amy - Insane, athletic
Alexia - Insane, friendly

That's all for this time, hopefully it won't be too long before I update again!


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