May 30, 2006 21:04
There's a guy who consistently rides the same bus that I catch in the morning--no big deal there, of course, as I recognize plenty of the riders as regulars now. But this guy has a unique sense of cool that's immediately apparent. In my mind he's just "Dude"--not "The Dude," as in The Big Lebowski character, just "Dude." Every morning as I watch him board the bus a few stops after mine I think to myself, "hey, Dude."
This weekend it was hot and sunny for the first time this year; no surprise, I guess given that it was Memorial Day weekend. It's obnoxious, really, how much this particular weekend is so played-up as the start of summer, start of grilling season, start of summer reading season, etc. That said, on Sunday while running errands around town I had my car windows rolled down and Franz Ferdinand (how weird that the album is over two years old now) playing with the volume up.
I saw the movie Water over the weekend as well, depicting the traditional treatment of widows in India. I was disappointed: maybe I'm just becoming stony-hearted, but I had trouble sympathizing with pretty much all the characters; rather, I found them irksome and tiring. The final sequence, of the women celebrating a festival, also seemed strangely orgiastic, though I'm sure that one's just me. I'm a little worried that with Madison's already somewhat meager film offerings and the incipient "summer blockbuster season" (again with that!), there will be a movie drought for the next few months. It's not encouraging that pickings the last month have already been slim.