...civil war inside,& sick

Dec 26, 2004 20:05

after weeks of joyous drumming & steadfast smiles & lights that project raw like sex,

the excitement is over. and life seems dull again. once that singledout star in lifesky is reached, only emptiness can follow. oh, dear pagan holiday gone horribly wrong. i mourn for you, misconstrued day of supposed "sanction".

but there is a guilty pleasure to be had from the snarling wreaths and fallen pines smothered in glass.

a rapture of the glowing season; encircled by shopwindows and careful greetingcards.

there is strange enjoyment found under satin bows & beneath mounds shredded paper, green&red.

in the myth of that jiggling gut & cherry nose lies this deviled force that turns us into materialistic fiends.

oh, but it's fun.

365 days until candied sin & disposable goodwill dwell in us again. alas.
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