Feb 23, 2012 12:43
If you have ever read my Tumblr blog, you'll know how much I have hated the second and third seasons on my once favorite show, Glee. I haven't watched an episode since before Christmas. But last night, my sister's gasps about Karofsky trying to hang himself forced me to watch. First of all, I cannot stand Finchel and their impending nuptials makes my nose bleed. I love Rachel as a character and I like Finn, but together, they bring out the worst in each other. Second, the writers are so misogynistic that it makes me angry.In season one, Finn kisses Rachel while dating Quinn, but goes unpunished. Quinn sleeps with Puck and ends up pregnant by him while dating Finn and is vilified. I realize that those two things are in a different league, but when we get to season two, the same standard holds. Finn lies about having slept with Santana while trying to get Rachel into bed. We know Santana has been around the block a couple of times, so her having transferred an STD to Finn isn't completely out of the picture. In retaliation, Rachel kisses Puck. Finn breaks up with her. Then, while Sam and Quinn are dating, Finn and Quinn start seeing each other behind Sam's back. They even lie to his face. In season three, Mercedes cheats on her football boyfriend (I don't recall his name) with Sam. The cycle never ends. The guys (Puck, Finn, Sam) do the cheating or get cheated on, but then turn around and do the same thing to someone else. The girls (Rachel, Quinn, Mercedes) become uber bitches while the guys get off almost scot-free.
Anyway, back to last night. First, can I just say that even though I was disappointed with half of the casting of the Fathers Berry (JG), I love them. I wish we had gotten to meet them sooner. Rachel is the main character after all. We got to meet Will's parents, Terri's sister, Quinn's parents, Finn's mom, Kurt's dad, Santana's grandmother, Mike's parents, Karofsky's dad, Sue's mom, Sam's parents and siblings and we got a brief glimpse of Puck's mom before we ever met the Berry men. I think that is a shame. So, when Will gathers the kids around and tells his story of depression, I think this might go somewhere. But then his story ends up being about cheating on a test in school. WTF? How about when you wife lied to you and said she was pregnant? He asks all of them to say something that they are looking forward to in the future. All the boys say something personal or family related or society related. Rachel, Quinn, and Santana get nice things to say as well. But Mercedes (wants to meet Rachel's kids?), Brittany (wants her stupid cat to kick his ecstasy addiction), Sugar (Sex and the City 3), and Tina (just wants a solo! Hardy har har!) get jokes. We know that Mercedes and Tina have dreams. They have been discussed before. I wish they could have gotten something nice to say. And I really wanted to hear something from Brittany and Sugar. They are the comedic fodder for the show, but having a background or a future doesn't make a character any less funny. Then there is the wedding. You know the Glee writers are scraping at the bottom of the barrel when they resort to full-blown drama-esque storylines. Quinn crashing while texting. Rachel holding up the wedding as long as possible so her new bestie, Quinn, can get there. (Faberry shippers went nuts with that one.) And those dreaded words....to be continued. In 2 months. Ugh. I'm hoping that Rachel calls Quinn and whoever hit her in the truck answers and says that they are taking her to the hospital and that breaks up the wedding. Finchel cannot get married. Rachel will be shacked to him forever and she can't fly when she's grounded. I really hope that it wasn't Karofsky driving that truck. He seemed to have a better outlook on life the last time we saw him. I can't hate him for trying to take his own life, but when you hurt someone else in the process, then it's hard to feel sympathy for him.
rachel berry,
ryan murphy,
anti finchel,
glee rant,
on my way,
finn hudson,
quinn fabray,
fuck you ryan murphy,
glee sucks,