(no subject)

Jul 07, 2012 21:02

Dear Mouse,

I never really liked cats up until my sister adopted you.  In my past experiences, all they did was scratch my arms and make me sneeze.  But you were different.  You did make me sneeze and you tried to scratch my arms, but your previous owners had your front claws removed, so it wasn't so bad for me.

I have been madly in love with you for the past couple of years now.  I loved it when you got to stay with me at my mom's house because my dad didn't want a cat in the house.  I loved it even more when I moved back in with my dad and you came with me.  He acts grumpy and mean, but he really has a soft spot for you.  I think you have actually turned his negative opinions on cats around as well.

At the beginning of April this year, you started getting sick.  We took you to the vet and they couldn't figure out what was wrong.  About a week later, they decided (though they didn't have much in the way of evidence) that you had a tumor in your abdomen somewhere.  I stayed strong that day for my sister because she was heartbroken over it.  But that night, I cried like a baby.  On April 5th, we decided to have you put to sleep.  It was a tough decision.  But the vet said that you weren't eating and we didn't want you to be in any pain.  When we went inside to say goodbye to you, you got up and started rubbing up against the cage.  I think you might have even meowed.  We both got to hold you and really, you were acting like your normal self.  And we both caved in.  We couldn't put you down when you were still the same old Mouse and not in any pain.  So the vet gave us some medicine to give you and instructions to enjoy whatever time we had left with you.

It's now July 7th and you are still Mousey.  You headbutt me and bite the back on my head in the morning when you are hungry.  You break for the door every time someone moves in hopes that they will take you outside.  You meow and meow and meow until you get your tuna.  You really are spoiled.  But I love you with all my heart and I will continue to spoil you until the very end, whenever that may be.

I love you, Mouse, and I will continue to cherish every moment we have left together.  (Especially the headbutts in the morning.)

And I love your mustache.  It's wicked!


Aunt Kori

cat, picture, mouse, florence + the machine

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