May 17, 2007 19:27

Read at your own risk. Seriously PISSED OFF.


So. I've just found my old-bestfriend's, who I thought I still considered a friend, website. Grrrreat. I decided to look at her "Dedication Page" where I used to be, seeing as I answered her 284737 calls a night, talked to her everyday at school, then when I got home, sat next to her in class, was her partner in every activity, kept ALL her secrets, listened to her ranting, comforted her when she was upset, and had laughing fits with her. WELL. How happy was I to find that not only am I not on that page, but that i'm not on ANY PAGE, and that her site is plastered with pics of her "new best friend".

I'm angry and kinda gutted. She was my best friend this time last year. She changed classes and made friends in there. Fine. Thats okay. I don't mind. But what I do mind is being ignored in the hallways, ignored when i'm in the same ROOM as her, ignored when i'm STANDING NEXT TO HER and ignored as a bestfriend. I was ALWAYS there for her. We has such good laughs and now she's fucked off with some twat who is racist towards asian people (oh! but not black people! hmmm wonder why? Probably cos she knows she would get the shit beaten out of her if she is). Also, her "new best friend" has changed her. Demi was never nasty OR racist and now she is. I can't believe she's changed SO much since September.

I'm seriously FUCKED OFF.

But I decided to vent my anger and took one of the pictures from the site, and made a few adjustments...

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