Spring BROKE!

Mar 22, 2006 01:37

Spring Break has come and gone, and now I'm paying for it.

* The Grand Plan *

Yeah, I sat on my ass and did nothing constructive last week. Well, I take that back, I had a job interview with Idera, but I'll talk about that later. I got introduced to that show Battlestar Galactica via David, and it was actually pretty good. It will take me a long time to catch up though, and the ol' hard drive is pretty full (mostly with One Piece episodes, hehe.)

I also spent some time with the family. My brother started driver's ed last week. Man, I'm getting old...seems like just yesterday he was in 6th grade. Got my car inspected and registered, and finally fixed the broken left rear tail light. I also attended a lan party, which was good fun.

* More Job Search *

During the break I went over to the Idera headquarters in Houston to interview for a job. Joel's sister Vicky works there, and he recommended me for the job. That just proves once again that connections work. They basically told me that they liked me, but they needed someone right then and I don't graduate until May. I'm supposed to learn all the SQL Server I can and contact them again in May.

I did get a positive response from Apple. I have two (sweeeeet) phone interviews this Friday. One is from the Audio/Visual department. This could be any number of things, from the iPod to iTunes to ProTools to video-editing software to who-knows-what. This sounds more interesting than the other one, which is from the Mac Server X department. This is more along the lines of what I've been studying in school so far, so I might have a better chance at landing this one. Hopefully I will do well on both. I need to do my homework on both of these departments before the interviews so I don't sound like a retard.

* Classes *

Yeah, I'm really starting to hate OS. Rocky (the professor's nickname) has given us a pretty difficult project to do that's due Thursday. As of now I've spent 20+ hours on it in the span of 3 days and it's only 1/3 done. Joy. Lucky for me I can turn it in up to 5 days late with no penalty. I'm more worried about my classmates, though. No one really knows what to do, so we're going to have a Q/A session tomorrow whether Rocky likes it or not.

The rest of my classes are going swimmingly. I am going to change my History of Rock and Networking classes to pass/fail, which will take so much pressure off of me. That's what I was aiming for when I signed up for this easy-ass schedule.

* Games *

In addition to Guitar Hero, I have started a file on Brent's copy of Star Ocean. I've heard this game is really good, so I wanted to try it out. Unfortunately due to the aforementioned OS project I've only played it about an hour so far. More updates will follow as time goes on.

The more I look at it the more I want to play the new Mario game on the DS. It looks like it's going to be really good. I am also curious about the Worms game for the DS. I played Worms a long time ago on the Dreamcast and it was great. I dunno about the DS Metroid Prime, though, I've heard it's more action-oriented than exploration-oriented. I'll wait and see what other people think of it first.

Stupid classes! I don't have time to play games anymore! Curses!

Dustin out.
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