Mar 06, 2006 23:37
* Classes *
Classes are now starting to piss me off. Rocky (the OS prof) just handed us programming project #3, which is the project that concerns memory management, virtual memory, page tables, etc. Here are his "instructions" for the project (verbatim):
You need to:
1. Complete the implementations of the CPU and OS classes.
2. Produce exactly the same results (in the 5 output_*.txt files) for the (5) provided configurations (config_*.properties).
Wow! So all we have to do is write the program and make sure our results are the same as the provided output! That sure cleared things up.
Seriously, though, I can't figure out where to start on this. It's due the Thursday after Spring Break and he hasn't even lectured on this stuff yet. Also, his program skeleton doesn't even run. So yeah, I'm not liking this class right about now.
* Spring Break *
Yeah, so I'm leaving for Pearland sometime Friday...probably noon-ish. This is the 21st year in a row that I haven't had any plans for Spring Break, and since this is my last one it looks like I'll have a perfect score. Everytime someone says "I'm going skiing" or "I'm going to Vegas" or "I'm getting wasted on South Padre" I secretly want to kill them. Unfortunately since I'm doing job interviews in Houston over the break I will again not be able to participate. Oh well, if I had to choose between doing nothing in Austin and doing nothing in Pearland I'd choose Pearland because it's cheaper.
* Job Search *
Still looking for that job. I interviewed today for General Dynamics C4 Systems. I guess it went okay, but I've been rejected/ignored so many times I'm not expecting anything from this. I have an interview with Cerner tomorrow; we'll see how that goes. During Spring Break I have an interview with Joel's sister's company (w00t for knowing people in high places), hopefully that will turn out well.
* Invitation *
Hehe, after all the crap this week I think I might need a drinking partner or five come Thursday night. Any and all volunteers accepted.
Dustin out.