I feel an update coming on......

Apr 14, 2005 23:16

I haven't updated this thing in so long, I'm not sure where to begin....

- First, I just wanna start off by saying that I am not sick, and also not dead, which is definitely a plus.

- Second, I spose I'll talk about school. I'm doing well in my classes this time around, in the sense that I'm getting through them without too much trouble. The class I'm doing the worst in is Programming Languages, and I've got a comfortable B in there at the moment. If I remember correctly, registration is next week - I'd better get crackin' on figuring out what I'm going to take. I want to take Contemporary Issues in CS, Operating Systems, and Generic Programming and the STL for my CS classes, and a couple for UTeach as well. Wow, I just realized that's 15 hours right there. Damn. Also, before I leave this University I want to take at least one piano class. I took piano lessons when I was 7 and only stuck with it for a year before I quit, and now I regret that. Time to make amends.

- Third, I guess I'll mention my awesome weekend. Amy and David came up from Houston and stayed at our place, where I did my best to entertain them. I dunno if I succeeded though, they seemed pretty bored most of the time. Or maybe they were just tired, that's why they slept so much. XD David brought up a 10-day trial run of World of Warcraft, and I've got to say it's pretty good. I've got to play it a lot while I can, since 5 of my 10 days are already up, and I'm too broke to pay for it for real. Amy brought up her external hard drive, so now I finally have all of Hime-chan. Much thanks to her, even though her stuffed animals kicked my ass. I had a great time, though, and I miss them already. Can't wait to get back to Houston, because then the semester will be over and I can do nothing. (With a job, of course.)

- Next I'll just touch on a couple of things - started playing Gunbound again, just as awesome now as it was then. Played through Space Channel 5 for the first time, and absolutely loved every second of it. I wish I could say the same thing for the sequel, but alas, it sucks ass. Just doesn't have the SOUL that the first one had. That and the voices are crap. A few weeks ago I went to my first Magic the Gathering booster draft tournament, and it was actually really fun, despite the extreme.....er......nerdiness of most of the tournament goers. I got fifth place, just under what I needed to win money, which was fourth. It was still worth it, because I really like the game but again - no money.

- Lastly, while playing WoW I found this on one of the quest descriptions (you former LPA people should like this):

"I don't know very much about what they're doing, but did manage to discover that they're experimenting with something called a samoflange. Now what the heck is a samoflange?"

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