Oct 28, 2004 03:03
Yeah, there's a curious pinkish yellowish water-like liquid standing in our sink....it's probably clogged up and we're not sure how to fix it, being the incredible handymen we are. It's too bad, since I can't cook baked potatoes without it.....and I'm a man who loves his potatoes.
On a less disgusting note, I am in fact still alive. I haven't updated in a while because I've been too tired to do so lately. School is really pushing me hard this semester, but somehow I'm managing to stay afloat. I'm definitely going to take fewer CS hours next semester. Actually, speaking of schedules....here's mine for those who are interested:
CS 341 Automata Theory
CS 345 Programming Languages(not learning programming languages, learning HOW TO CREATE programming languages)
CS 105 Instruction in C++ (finally able to take the class after 3 semesters of trying to
M 375 Math, Puzzles, and Computers (definite slacker class)
UTS 110 Uteach Step II (now I teach junior high! ugh....)
EDC 382 Knowing and Learning (for Science)
I like my schedule this time. Seems like I'll be able to relax a bit so I can focus on getting an internship somewhere. Unfortunately somehow CS 345 filled up before I got to register, even though I have senior standing, so I'm 7th on the waitlist for that. Stupid last name.
I'm definitely looking forward to the Thanksgiving holiday, since we don't get any holidays save Labor Day in the fall. Going full throttle on homework for 8 weeks straight takes a lot out of you, lemme tell you. I fucked up my CS 352 class at the beginning, so I have to work extra hard in that class so I can catch up and pass it. All my other classes are okay, though.
The UT football team is doing pretty well despite yet another loss to OU this year. Once again, here's hoping we can finally make it to a BCS bowl game. Most of the games I've watched have been good ones, so at least I get entertainment out of it. The next game is versus Colorado on Saturday.
In video game news, I picked up a copy of Paper Mario 2 last week, and beat it in about 12 days. Very nice game, I recommend it with a Dustin Seal Of Approval, which is good. Also, Byron bought the new GTA game, so he's been messing around with that lately. I've gotten to look at it for a while, and I will say it's pretty good from what I've seen so far.
EGADS is going pretty well. We don't have as many members now as we did at the beginning, but that's to be expected. Today was T-shirt design submission day, and I'm rather disappointed that the one I liked was voted down by the majority. D'oh. Another disappointment came when I pitched my idea for a Mario Bros. 3 level editor to the club - I had the misfortune of having my pitch occur after the pizza got there, meaning most everyone left before I started. The response to the pitch was good, but no one really wants to work on it since it requires knowing assembler. I guess that means I'll just have to make it on my own, but it's going to take a while. I don't even know how the NES architecture works yet.
Speaking of level editors, as some of you already know I found this really sweet Super Mario World level editor on the good ol' Internet, and I've been playing around with that lately. I've hacked up the first 6 levels, and if any of you happen to have an SNES emulator on your computer you can grab my hack and play through the first world if you so desire. For security reasons it's not posted here, you can find it at the bottom of my AIM profile. If you do get it - I'd appreciate feedback on what was good/bad/ugly/sweet about it, and whether you'd like to see more. Thanks in advance!