(no subject)

Apr 10, 2005 00:22

today was so great.  asdjfaklsdjfklaasdkjfasldkjf.

[Ever Been Called...]
-Dumb?: yes
-Retarded?: yes
-Ugly?: yes
-Hot?: yes
-Fat?: no
-Anorexic?: no
-A waste of space?: no
-Useless?: no
-Smelly?: no
-A Slut?: no
-Beautiful?: yes
-Smart?: yes
-Quiet?: oh yeah
-Boring?: yeah
-A bitch?: yup
-Rebel?: OH YEAH. no im totally kidding.
-Conceited?: yes? yeah probably by deirdre.

-What are you wearing?: jeans and a shirt and my sweater
-Who are you talking to?: nobody
-How is the weather?: windy
-What are you listening to?: nothing...michelle has my ipod at her house.
-What/Who are you thinking about?: hmm michael/shina
-What are you eating/drinking?: gum
-What are you looking forward to? the next break
-What are you dreading?: grades/the english essay due on monday
-How are you feeling?: sleepy/happy
-How is your hair?: awful
-What time is it?: 12:27
-What are you annoyed by?: the cut in my mouth

[When Was The Last Time You...]
-Burped?: HAHA eliza and michelle remember?
-Went to the movies?: tonight
-Went out to eat?: today
-Cried?: last week

-Got dumped?: i dont think it really counts
-Threw up?: the chem final
-Went skating?: new years eve
-Went for a walk?: today
-Ate ice cream?: coldstones today and tonight
-Got into a fight?: hmm yesterday?

-Do you do drugs?: no
-Do you have a mental disablity?: no

-Are you on any medication for any type of disorder?: no
-What kind?: nonenonenonenonenone
-What kinds of illnesses run in your family?: uhhhh

[Who was the last person you...]
-Talked to?: michelle
-Yelled at?: my sister
-Kissed: sadkfjalksjdf
-Hugged?: michael
-Went out to eat with?: michael
-Flirted with?: uhhh
-Talked to on the phone? michelle
-I.M.ed?: michelle
-Recieved an IM from?: eliza
-E-Mail?: ohhh myspace!
-Got flowers from?: hmm i have no idea that was a really long time ago.
-Danced with?: people at zeve's bar mitzvah

-Fought with?: my sister
-Worried about?: homework
-Cried over?: my grades

[Are you..]
-Understanding?: for the most part
-Pretty?: um
-Nice?: yeah
-A bitch?: i try not to be...but yeah i can be
-Hard to get?: yes?  no?  i have no idea.
-Confident?: pretty much
-Depressed?: nooooo way
-Hyper?: definitely
-Friendly?: yeah
-Hungry?: yeah sort of
-Original?: uh
-Shy?: depends
-Emotional?: sometimes
-Messy?: YES
-Immature?: haha yeah sometimes
-Sad?: not now
-Trusting?: yeah pretty much
-Healthy?: uh huh
-Sleepy?: yeah
-Lonely?: not really.
-Independent?: sometimes

-Romantic?: um...

[Do You...]
-Do you drink alcohol?: no

-Do you party a lot?: no
-How often do you use the word "like" in an average hour?: i dont think i could go a paragraph without saying like.
-Do you skip classes? nah...only warm up for track
-Do you steal?: no
-Do you wear inappropriate clothing?: no
-Do you drool over celebrities?: hahahaha yes
-Do you watch a lot of TV?: not anymore
-Do you ever watch the News?: no

-Do you read books often?: sort of...
-Do you spend most of your time with your friends?: i try...but homework's taking up a lot of it
-Do you smoke cigarettes?: no
-Do you hang out a lot in malls, or at Seven Elevens?: not that much anymore
-Do you often find yourself with a crush on someone?: ---
-Do you cuss a lot?: only at school.
-Are you desperate to fit in?: nah
-Are you intelligent?: in some aspects
-Do you spend a lot of time on your appearence?: not really
-Make-up?: nope.
-Low-cut tops?: no
-Do you flip your hair when you talk, even if you don't realize it? im not sure
-Giggle a lot?: yeah
-Read YM, Teen, Cosmo, at all?: yesssss

[In the last 24 hours, have you]
-Cried: no

-Bought something: ice cream and my sister's birthday present
-Gotten sick: no
-Sang: hummed
-Eaten: yes
-Been kissed: no
-Felt stupid: YES
-Met someone new: yeah
-Moved on: from what?
-Had a serious talk: i dont think so
-Missed someone: yeah
-Hugged someone: yeah
-Fought with your parents: no

-Who is your role model: hmm tess
-What are some of your pet peeves: bad hair
-Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: YESSSS
-Have you ever cried over the opposite sex: yeah
-Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: not really 
-Have you ever lied to your best friend(s): like 8 years ago
-Want someone you don't have right now: no
-Do you want to get married: yes
-Do you want kids: yes
-Do you believe you know the person whom you will marry at this point in time: nah
-Are you happy with you: yeah pretty much
-Are you happy with your life: i think so
-If you could change something in your life? to not procrastinate...?
-Pierce your nose or tongue? nononono
-Be serious or be funny? hmm both
-Do you have a crush? would i call it a crush?
-Who is it? michael

[Dating 411]
-Dating Status: boyfrienddd
-Do you like someone: yeah

-Do they like you: yes?
-What's you're type?: dont have one

[Dating your friends]
-Would you ever date any of your friends of the opposite sex: im not sure

-Would you date your best friends: no
-Would you ever date a person of the same gender as you: no


* Best guy friend: zeve
* Boyfriend/Girlfriend: mmhmm
* If no, current dating partner: --

* Hobbies: psh
* Pager: haha no
* Are you center of attention or the wallflower: in between
* What type automobile do you drive: none :(
* What type automobile do you wish you drove: hybrid!
* Would you rather be with friends or on a date: doesnt matter
* Where is the best hangout: depends on the people
* Do you have a job: no
* Do you attend church: no
* Do you like being around people: yes

* Have you known the longest: deirdre

* Do you argue the most with: deirdre
* Do you always get along with: shina

* Is the most trustworthy: shina
* Makes you laugh the most: cameron

* Has been there through all the hard times: shina
* Has the coolest parents: tess
* Has the coolest siblings: my sister.  no, kidding.  shina.
* Is the smartest: YOU.

* Ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you: yeah definitely
* Would you rather be dumper or dumped: dumper
* Rather have a relationship or a "hookup": relationship
* Want someone you don't have right now: no
* Ever liked your friend of the opposite sex: i guess?
* Do you believe in psychics: not really
* What is your favorite part of your physical appearance: ---
* What is your favorite part of your emotional being: yes.
* Are you happy with you: yeah
* Are you happy with your life: i guess

I see: curtains
I need: to go to sleep
I like: sleep
I want: food
I have on: sweater
I wish: i didnt have homework

I love: pasta
I hate: styrofoam
I miss: good teachers 
I fear: rejection
I feel: tired
I hear: computer
I smell: mint
I crave: ramen noodles

I search: for my floor
I ponder: nothing

When was the last time you ...
Smiled? today
Laughed? today
Cried? last thursday
Bought something? today
Danced? long long time ago
Were sarcastic? probably today
Kissed someone? hmm...

Watched your favorite movie? like november
Had a nightmare? hmm last nightbut it was too scary

A Last time for everything...
Last book you read: david copperfield
Last movie you saw: fever pitch
Last song you heard: good old fashioned love - queen
Last thing you had to drink: lemonade

Last time you showered: tonight

..... do you .....
Smoke? no
Do drugs? no
Have sex? no
Sleep with stuffed animals? no
Live in the moment? yes?
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse? yeah
Have a dream that keeps coming back? nah
Play an instrument? not anymore
Believe there is life on other planets? yeah i guess
Remember your first love? i'll remember when it happens
Read the newspaper? no
Have any gay or lesbian friends? yeah
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? sure
Consider love a mistake? no
Like the taste of alcohol? no
Have a favorite candy? hmm...everything
Believe in astrology? no but i still like reading horoscopes and stuff
Believe in magic? nah
Believe in God? no
Pray? no
have any secrets? lots
Have any pets? 3 dogs and a rabbit
do well in school? yeah
Wear hats? no
Have any piercings? ears
any tattoos? no
hate yourself? no
have an obsession? not really
have a best friend? yeah
wish on stars? yeah
Like your handwriting? i dont care about it
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