Feb 02, 2005 22:21
It is so bizzare how different songs have SUCH deep emotion connections to things in your life...
Here, the next 10 songs on my play list and what they make me think of-
1. Hive - Nonpoit : reminds me of being young and in florida and totally happy, makes me feel giddy for the next time i get to see the guys.
2. Thats Good - Devo : reminds me of Devo cover show with an ex and the little band they made, makes me feel sick because that was when he started using heroin again and also was the night he told me he loved me for the first time.
3. What's Beef - Notorious B.I.G : reminds me of driving aound with nicole and adam in her wrangler in the snow circa '98 when I was visiting Ohio, makes me feel nostalgic for all the fun times we had on my ohio vacations through high school.
4. Tinfoil - Rainer Maria : Reminds me of 2000 hanging out with Ben and Todd them singing it at the top of their lungs to Megan and I, makes me feel like I miss college and being a pretentious art stdent.
5. Esa Morena - DJ Laz : Reminds me of growing up in North Miami, learning how to booty dance & power 96, makes me feel like Florida will always be my true home.
6. Drown Soda - Hole : Reminds me of 9th grade, living at my grandparents, Jen Shapiro, makes me feel angsty!
7. Linoleum - Nofx : Reminds me of Jordan Pundik, first "punk rock" song I ever heard, makes me feel angry because when people get really famous they forget all about how much you mean/ment to them.
8. Get Your Freak On - Missy Elliot : reminds me of John because thats his ringtone for me, makes me feel all giddy inside.
9. Pony - Genuine : reminds me of 2 things at the same time, 1. this freak job in my 10th grade science class & 2. Seeing Jesse the Stripper in NYC, makes me feel all sorts of sexay!
10. Roots Bloody Roots - Sepultura : remins me of drivinf around Boca in high school with emily and marc, makes me feel super silly.