January: day 1 Theme: Ordinary

Jan 04, 2010 22:06

TITLE:  Final Goodbye



THEME: Ordinary

GENRE: general



This was it, she thought to herself as she looked out at the desolated landscape. The freeze that had been placed on the planet was finally being lifted and the populace was emerging from the semi-hibernation they had been in. Not everyone would survive this process. Ordinary people like Chiba Mamoru, Kino Makoto, Hino Rei, and Chiba Usagi would not survive. Even internationally known successes like Mizuno Ami and Aino Minako would not make it. They were you’re everyday people who didn’t have to worry about alien invasions and the destruction of the planet. They were not burdened by the knowledge of the Silver Alliance and Crystal Tokyo.

Those people died the day they were awakened. They stopped being ordinary when they became plagued by dreams or talking cats or alien attacks. But this just makes it all more real, more final.

Even Sailor Moon would cease to exsist. She would fade away into legend just like Tuxedo Kamen would. Only tales of the Sailor Senshi would survive, but no one would think to link the Senshi of old with the members of the new Neo Crystal Alliance. Sailor V would fade away all together. Not even legends would survive to tell the tale of the young girl who masqueraded as the princess; all so Tsukino Usagi could have one more year of being an ordinary girl. That, perhaps, saddened Usagi most of all.

But Usagi was an ordinary house wife, and she would not survive. Her name would live on only through her daughter. Usagi would be no more. Mamoru would be no more.

It would be Serenity and Endymion. Just like it was in the beginning. She would be Queen and he would be King. It was Chibi-Usa’s turn to be the Princess. And it was time for the rest of their friends to lay down their mantel as Sailor Senshi and take their places at the head of their own planets.  It was time for one final goodbye to the people they had all been.

Now wasn’t the time to be thinking such melancholy thoughts though.

Now is the time for a new beginning, a new age. And we will make it better than any before because we were able to be unordinary people who lived an ordinary life.

Usagi turned and gave Mamoru a bright smile. Then she called on the power of the Ginzuishou. When the light faded away Chiba Usagi and Chiba Mamoru were gone. Serenity and Endymion were left in their places. And together they were able to make a paradise for the ordinary people of an ordinary world.

Goodbye Usagi-chan. Thank you for letting me be an ordinary girl.

sm_monthly challenge, usagi/moon

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