I totally already typed this all up 2 hours ago then I went to save it for like the 6th time as I was typing it and my computer decided to instead of save, just delete the entire file. See I type all my posts up in a word document first and then copy and paste into my livejournal, well all my posts for this year are gone into the computer black hole. Don’t you just love when that happens? So, I tried to remember everything and retype, so here goes…
Last night was simply chaotic… So I decided to tape Smallville and then watch Survivor online today since I have the high speed internet now. Usually, I’d tape Smallville and rush home to watch Survivor live, but I was held up late a work last night. We had one of our Cocker Spaniels who was up for adoption, get lose from a volunteer dog walker and then the dog bit a man in the arm who picked him up so he wouldn’t run into the street, and then the dog bit the volunteer in the face. It was just wonderful.
Breeds I fear the most:
#1 - Cocker Spaniels
#2 - Chows
#3 - Chihuahuas
Breeds I hate the most:
#1 - Labs
#2 - Border Collies
#3 - Golden Retrievers
Breeds I love the most:
#1 - Pit Bulls
#2 - Huskies
#3 - German Shepherds
Now on to tv…
Smallville: “Siren”
-Go Clark! Way to grow a pair and tell Lana like it is… no wait, then you just took her back again. Bad Clark bad.
-Introducing Black Canary, who kicked Green Arrow’s butt twice, then found herself on to the good guys side and joined the Justice League.
-Lois found out that Oliver was the Green Arrow.
-How awesome was it that Clark chose to save Black Canary instead of Lex?
-Major fluffy Clark/Lois action. Loved it!
-Come on, we all know Ozzy is gonna win a swimming challenge… but wait, he didn’t. Erik beat Ozzy, uh oh.
-Love that Yau-Man pissed Fairplay off so much.
-Ah, I remember Parvati now… Major flirt.
-Ah, I remember Eliza now… She’s annoying and NEVER shuts up.
-Still can’t remember much about Ami.
-Favorites lose challenge and vote Fairplay out. I’m a little mad because I wanted to keep him around just to argue with Jeff some more. Now did he get all emotional because he knew they’d vote him off first and he just wanted to make it look like he wanted to go first, or was he really being genuine? Who knows, who cares, he’s gone.
-Best quotes of the show:
“There’s 9 other Survivor favorites and they all believe what I say. Have they not watched Survivor before?” - Fairplay
“Johnny Fairplay, who already looks intoxicated.” -Jeff
Favorites: “Malakal”
-James (China)
-Amanda (China)
-Ami (Vanuatu)
-Eliza (Vanuatu)
-Cirie (Panama - Exile Island)
-Jonathan (Cook Islands)
-Ozzy (Cook Islands)
-Parvati (Cook Islands)
-Johnny Fairplay (Pearl Islands)
-Yau-Man (Fiji)
Fans: “Airai” (here are all the ones who actually spoke in the episode)
-Jason: gymnastics coach
-Alexis: motivational speaker
-Tracy: residential builder; love her
-Erik: ice cream scooper
-Joel: firefighter; James’ biggest competition
-Kathy: golf course vendor; crazy lady!
-Mikey B: aspiring writer; love him
Dog of the week:
Here’s Brownie. He’s a 9 month old pit/lab mix.
Whew, that was the most frustratingly exhausting post I’ve ever completed, I say as I hit save again and pray to god.