Stolen from
What song are you listening to?
-"Poker Face" Lady Gaga
Why do you like that song?
-I like the beat, it's a good song to dance to.
What did your last incoming text message say?
-"I found a Canon with 20x zoom at"
Look at your received call list. Who is number 5?
Who did you last talk to on aim?
Do you ever wish you were a different race, and if so, what?
-not really
Do hobos frighten you?
-not really
What's the most you have ever spent in the crane toy machines?
If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
-on several acres of land in Maryland, in the country, yet still close enough to the city
How much do you hate G.W. Bush on a scale of 1-10?
-10, yet I'm not involved in politics at all
When is the last time you were in a hospital?
-probably when my Grandma in the hospital last year
Why were you there?
-visiting my Grandma
What is the most painful piercing you have had?
-I've only had my ears pierced and I was too young to remember how much it hurt
Have you ever cried after one of your favorite sports teams lost a game?
Would you marry a 90-year-old billionaire?
Have you ever kept a fortune from a Chinese fortune cookie?
-of course
Have you ever told a lover that they were good in bed, when they were not?
Would you jump into a lake to save a stranger?
Do you think your life story would make a great movie?
-not really, but maybe just my work life story
What T.V. show world would you fit right into?
-The Big Bang Theory
Would you rather be in a room with Micheal Jackson or a rattlesnake?
-Michael Jackson
Have you ever gone to a bookstore at 12am to buy the next Harry Potter book?
-I don't read any of the Harry Potter books
Have you ever been so bored that you counted cracks in the walls?
If your eyes could be any color, what color would they be?
-blue, just like they are
Do you read while you eat?
-sometimes I read the newspaper or a magazine or something on my computer, yes
How long does it usually take you to drink a beverage?
How many people have you had strong feelings for this year?
-just one
Have you done something bad today?
Are you mean?
-I can be, but only if you are mean to me first
What did you go to bed thinking about last night?
Who is in the room with you?
What are you NOT looking forward to?
-the 5 hour drive back home tomorrow
Could you ever be friends with someone who hurt you badly?
What was the last thing you drank?
Have you ever fallen asleep in someone's arms before?
-yes, Chris'
Do you like the person you're becoming?
Do you always answer the phone?
-I rarely answer the phone
Do you believe what goes around comes back around?
Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
What is something you really want right now?
-chocolate milk and a donut
Are you wearing any make up at all right now?
How many pillows are currently on your bed?
When was the last time you cried?
-Friday night because I was tired of being sick
What is the longest amount of time you've ever spoken on the phone?
-probably about an hour
Have you gotten a hickey in the past two weeks?
Are your lips currently chapped or dry?
-yes, both, because I'm sick and have been having to breath threw my mouth
What is your favorite season?
Has it snowed recently?
-yes, at Chris' apartment it snowed today
How many piercings do you have? Do you want more?
-I have both my ears pierced, but they have closed up many years ago, and no I don't want anymore
If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you?
What are you doing tonight?
-enjoying one more evening with Chris before I have to go back home tomorrow
Who will you be sleeping with tonight?
Do you ever wonder how other people see you?
-all the time
Are you the type of person who likes to go out or stay at home?
-stay at home
Is there anything you're giving up on?
-trying to enjoy my current job
Do you hate being alone?
-not really, actually I kinda enjoy it
Who was the last person you cried in front of?
Are you a good friend?
-I would say yes
How did you feel when you woke up today?
Is it hard to win you over?
-not really
Is there anything annoying you right now?
-not being able to watch Bones online because of Chris' crappy internet
Would you ever steal someone's significant other?
Are you currently frustrated with a boy/girl?
-I'm frustrated with my brothers if that counts
Have you ever kissed someone who's named started with a Z?
Plans for tomorrow?
-driving back home
In the past week have you cried?
What were you doing at midnight last night?
-watching a movie
Who was the last person you gave your number to?
Last time you were seriously embarrassed?
-when practically the entire Applebee's restaurant sang Happy Birthday to me
If you could move right now, would you?
Have you ever walked on the beach at night?
Is there someone you will never forget?
-lots of people
Is there someone you wouldn't mind kissing right now?
Have you ever turned someone down that you shouldn't have?
Have you ever stayed up all night while drunk or high?
Have you ever punched anyone in the face?
Who was the last person you texted?
Do you believe in religion?
-I believe it exists and other people follow it, but I do not
Has a guy ever seriously punched you more than once?
Have you done bad things with your parents nearby?
Have you ever started a horrible rumor about somebody?
Do you think your future will be a good one?
When was the last time you consumed Gatorade?
When was the last time you wore a skirt?
-jesus, I can't even remember, probably last summer
What movie do you want to see next in theaters?
-Fast and the Furious
Do you ever fall asleep while watching movies at home?
What is your favorite flavor of fruit juice?
Have you ever had to call 911 for a serious emergency? What was the situation?
-yes, there was a fire at my work
What year did your favorite movie come out?
-don't know, but my favorite movie is Titanic
What is your favorite Bath & Body Works scent?
-don't know
What do you most commonly do to pass the time in a waiting room?
-read a magazine, play on my phone
What kind of hat did you last wear?
-Chris' hat when
Would you rather visit Egypt or Thailand?
Do you fold your underwear or just stuff them in the drawer?
-just stuff them in a drawer
Is the toilet seat in your bathroom made out of plastic, wood or porcelain?
Where was the last place you had sex?
-in the shower
Do you still live with your parents?
Are your nails currently painted? What color?
What was the best party you've ever been to?
-don't know
Where were you the last time you rode in an elevator?
-probably in a hotel
How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
-about 8
Do you like Skittles?
-sure, but I prefer chocolate
How loud do you play your music?
-pretty loud if I can get away with it
What color are the pants you're wearing?
How many people have you kissed this month?
Have you liked a lot of people in your lifetime?