【Yumei】 oo2 ; Layout update.

Nov 23, 2008 10:51

I think you have been wanting to kill me for not updating and spamming supercrews. o.O

As you can see, we have a new layout!
supercrews supercrews supercrews supercrews supercrews supercrews

Yayyyy! *claps*

Anyways. For the past few months, I've been busy in my school because I need to make my grades more higher, so in order to do that, I needed to study more. Hence, my efforts were all paid off and got a higher grades than before. o(^0^)o LOL, I got sidetracked.

Yesterday, I tried to edit the layout, but then ended up destroying the whole thing, so I needed to sleep in order to regain my energy and fix the whole layout crap again. So congratulations me! XDDD

What do you guys think of our new layout? Does it look good or not? Well then, if you have any questions or suggestions about our community's new layout, please don't hesitate to drop a comment and I'll do whatever I can to fix it. =^-^=

P.S// I also added some ice cool information about supercrews on the sidebar! >XDDD

!maker: rainbow-legends, !update: layout

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