Apr 17, 2004 15:52
i am so tired right now! went to bed at 6:30... woke up at 11:30... went back to sleep at 1:30... woke up at 3:45. totalling 7 hours of sleep which is decent but not nearly enough. WOOF. speaking of woof we got Baleagh today... hes so cute. a new little puppy. =]
tonight after work i am doing
and i want to do
and that makes me happy.
last night was so fun[ny]. i ended up going alone, but i finally saw rooskies there which was AWESOME. timmy- i love you to d-e-a-t-h. otherwise i wouldnt stay up that long with you. the cast consisted of: timmy, rooskies, myself, evan, zack, ronni and andrew. cleebs bounced in and out as well. evan got drizzy and timmy ultimately got slishidy sloshed. hes fucking hilarious when shitfaced, but still keeps his coherency- BRILLIANT! we all hung out in the add-on part of the house which was freezing. i didnt drink cause it still makes me sick cause im retarded. rooskies did but not a lot... we just goofed off and although it wasnt a big party it was really fun and i hope timmy had a good time. i didnt get him a present cause suck. and am broke as joke. yup. im working on it though- DONT YOU FUCKING FRET TIMMY.
thats all i guess... i will end this with a quote:
Me- "wow my back is fucking killing me"
Tim- "well maybe your back hurts cause you have tits on the top of you that are fucking huge"
timmy i love you to dddeeaatthh.