its chrismass time and i hate it

Dec 23, 2005 10:04

hey guysincase you were wondering about the title i really do not like hasn't been to pleasent for me this year. with my cat dying and my great grandmother dieing and not to mention haveing to get rid of two of my dogs...its been rough. and years past haveing to deal with my drunken uncle hasn't been fun eaither...and this music in the libary isn't helping my mood eaither...there playing parliment-play the funk...someone help me please.

moving on. this weekend is filled with me probally being in my room alot cept for dinner and opening presents. there's been alot going on and i guess its jsuyt to stressful to have a good holiday season...i need people to stop complaning about money issues...learn some saving skills...and if yuou have to much that takes up your money you need to drop some of management is good...anywho...people have been complaning about to much pressure and its bull crap(not you michelle. yours i understand) i mean unl;ess you have 7 to 8 things you need to do...need to do not want to reall don;t have a write to if all you do is go home after school not have any clubs or sports of stuff like stress on you.. if you havew one or two sports and clubs then your allowed to have some but not enough to scream at everyone on live journal...and if you have 5 and up activities then good luck to you cause i know that shit is stressing...

anywho in conclusion.. if your stressed deal if you have nothing to be stressed about. with money save your money its betyter that way. and as for me...jsut another weekend that wil.ll be the same. computer room and sleep..



michelles' teddy bear
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